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Proposed closure of Leppings Lane on match days - have your say

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How can that be - the football club doesn't own the road?


No, but a change in legistlation could empower them to conduct road closures at specified events. I guess its all about cutbacks. Cheaper to allow the stewards on £20 a day to do it, than a copper on £15 an hour.

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theres always some ignorant pillock wanting to park outside your house for the weekend but match days are by far the worst!!


You should let their tyres down. Then when they come back for the car lend them a foot pump to pump the tyres up and moan about the number of drunken chavs that roam the area causing mayhem.

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Blinking heck, football stewards Policing traffic junctions, (Do they have to go on a course)


I don't think they'd have too much trouble....after all not many people stand up whilst driving so I don't see stewards needing to eject people from their cars.

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Closing the roads after the match for a limited time is not a problem. indeed last match a steward closed of a road witha metal barrier for a short time. I speeds up the time taken for the fans to get home and allows the away fan coaches to be ushered out quickly.


But there is no need to do this before or during. During matches there are very few people around. Before the match people arrive over a long period of time so it is never too busy.


I seems very unfair to local residents (and I visit one on a regular basis in the area) to lock them in or out of their own homes for a large proportion of a saturday afternoon. Especially the people living in the cul-de-sacs.


The club has operated without this for many years and having watched the fans come and go there does not appear to be an actual need for this.


Thank you to Umeeksk for bringing this to peoples attention. Is it acually worth the time to write objecting to this plan or is it another Sheffield Council White Wash where it has already been decided?

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I think its a good idea - when hillsborough becomes grid locked with all the traffic from stocksbridge, deepcar, wharnciffe side, and oughtibridge trying to get to other side of sheffield not to mention that catch bar lane is the only thru -route for hgv vehicles.

it could only happen in sheffield!

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Thank you to Umeeksk for bringing this to peoples attention. Is it acually worth the time to write objecting to this plan or is it another Sheffield Council White Wash where it has already been decided?

It's definitely worth writing to object. As I said, this is a proposal from officers; councillors have yet to have their say on it.


My understanding is that it only takes one objection from a member of the public, and then it is automatically referred for a decision by councillors at a public meeting. If no-one objects then it is automatically approved.

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as i used to live on leppings lane years ago i wouldnt say it caused danger have you seen how many come out of that place, on that road a car is no chance of speeding there is far to many people. more chance of been knocked over by a horse than a car.


as for the road closers ok yes i can see a point of closeing the leading roads for a short while but closing off all day is disgusting how are we suposed to get out any where we go out alot between 3pm and 4.45 just so we can miss all the slow traffic, this is shutting us off and isnt fair.



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It's definitely worth writing to object. As I said, this is a proposal from officers; councillors have yet to have their say on it.


My understanding is that it only takes one objection from a member of the public, and then it is automatically referred for a decision by councillors at a public meeting. If no-one objects then it is automatically approved.


It's all very good you telling people to object to this proposal, but you've not really given any of the actually reasoning for why the proposal has been made. A couple of quick points in the first post about safety and policing, but none of the actual justification. Officers must feel there is good reasoning for it, yet you've made no effort to explain the pros and cons of the proposal - I imagine you have been fully briefed, so why are the officers proposing it? What do they feel is wrong with the current arrangements, and why do they feel they need changing?


It's fair enough campaigning against it if that's what you believe, but at least give people the full facts so that they can make a reasoned decision, rather than half the story. Can you advise further?

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