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Gordon Brown - Why the hatred?

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People hate him because nobody voted for him, Blair was still completely able to do his job but decided to "let Brown have a go" and thats ridiculous. It's all a load of crap anyway, I'm sure the agenda is for Cameron to be PM and putting a fat idiot with a fake smile in number 10 is a surefire way of making that happen.

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I remember back to Margaret Thatcher. The stock market was booming which meant our pension funds were making money. Now they are all in hock and our pensions dissapearing. We weren't fighting illegal wars. We didn't have national debt measured in £TRILLIONS. People didn't owe thousands on credit cards. The nation was viable. The Japanese were queuing up to build factories here, and our motor industry booming.


Gordon Brown has ruined this nation. He has probably caused more financial damage than Hitler.


You ought to see your GP, looks like Altzeimers is setting in.:hihi::hihi:

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Gordon Brown handled the crisis pretty well. A short if sharp recession sucks a lot less than the alternatives.

I would suggest that as most of our pension funds are invested in stocks and shares in order to generate enough to pay our pensions, the main reason that these funds are in deficit is because of failure of the stock market to grow.
They're in deficit because some eejits in the mid nineties thought that stocks could only balloon up and so sponsoring companies didn't need to continue paying in cash to keep the funds solvent. This was, of course, dumb. (Never stop putting cash into your pension pots, kids!)


Of course the public sector pension schemes are paid for through taxation so don't suffer the same accountancy requirements. If the government was a company its pension liabilities would have ruined it decades ago!

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  • 8 months later...
I see lots of threads saying how useless Gordon Brown is. Although I agree he's not exactly the most likeable character and I wish that someone like Barack Obama would take charge but I don't see where all the hatred comes from?


I'm not defending him, I suppose I must be ignorant to the stupid decisions he's made. Could anyone give me examples of why they despise him so much?


Because he has hammerd the poor more than thatcher did. Council rents, bus fares, train fares, 0845 numbers, post office closures, community pubs closing down,gas electricity prices, mass immigration employment agencys , privatiseng schools,hospitals a and e,all this under a supposedly labour government . Its all been lies and spin for the last 20years and everyone is sick of it..

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Because he has hammerd the poor more than thatcher did. Council rents, bus fares, train fares, 0845 numbers, post office closures, community pubs closing down,gas electricity prices, mass immigration employment agencys , privatiseng schools,hospitals a and e,all this under a supposedly labour government . Its all been lies and spin for the last 20years and everyone is sick of it..



What claptrap. Just wait for what's coming.

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Because he has hammerd the poor more than thatcher did. Council rents, bus fares, train fares, 0845 numbers, post office closures, community pubs closing down,gas electricity prices, mass immigration employment agencys , privatiseng schools,hospitals a and e,all this under a supposedly labour government . Its all been lies and spin for the last 20years and everyone is sick of it..


you really dont know what you are talking about


Thatcher sold off the companies we owned and privatised gas, electric, railways and buses which enable all private companies to rip us off.

closed the steelworks, collieries etc

as for the pubs well, she intoduced the monopolies and mergers commision which said the larger pub companies had too many pubs and too much power. So they were forced to sell off a small amount of pubs to the smaller breweries who because they had less money in overheads, couldnt keep them open.

And as for the poll tax she introduced, well we wont go there.

She also got rid of matrons in hospitals so we ended up with ward managers who have no qualifications in nursing whatsoever. There are more infections caught in hospital now because they are more concerned with budgets than patients

Be careful what you wish for with smary dave cameron

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