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Remar UK - what are your thoughts?

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'Remar UK - Christian Centre for Help and Rehabilitation'


I think most people are aware of them, they will take away your old furniture, paint your house or garden fence etc.


The profits they make go to helping people with alcohol or drug addiction rehabilitate but only on condition the person convert or commit to Christianity ( not very 'Christian' is it - surely a Christian attitude would be to help unconditionally.....)


Are they a 'cult?'


Does anyone know of anyone who has being 'helped' by Remar for problems with drug or alcohol addiction?


Or did they just do a good job painting your house?

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they are rubbish we left lots of good furniture outside including a 3 year old table and 6 chairs in brilliant condition they said they would collect on a tuesday but they didnt when we called them they said we didnt want anything that you left out side (they could have called US to say this) then they said they would take it away for £20!

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they suck! my folks got in touch with them cus apperently they do all sorts including gardening... they got them to quote how much to pull some hedges out our front garden and give it a quick dig over and rake...


so my folks payed them to come do it... they came, did a half arsed job... they just cut the hedges to ground level and covered them over with soil and burried a lot of the cuttings under the ground!


so my mum rang and complained, they came back and had another attempt... still didnt do what they'd agreed... finally they came back a 3rd time and finished it properly!


its run by english folks but all the workers they use are foreigners, most likely immigrants they're feeding? who knows...

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I bought a settee from the Remar warehouse near the station recently - I was very pleased with it. The charity is overtly Christian but not a cult, and funds its work with the marginalised at home and overseas by refurbishing and selling donated furniture. There isn't a "convert or else" agenda, but they are pretty heavily into proselytism.

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I've had a wander about in there. I can't put my finger on it, but there's something uncomfortable about it.


Actually, we bought a cupboard from there. It's now in the garage full of teethmarks :suspect:


I insisted we park round the corner (puzzled look from Mr Strix). Our negotiations with them included them agreeing to knock money off if we collected instead of them delivering. We were also wearing scruff. They offered to help us load the car, and Mr Strix went off to get the (then) nearly new Zafira. They seemed somewhat grumpy. :confused: I suspect the cupboard would have cost us more if they had seen the car first :suspect:

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They collected some furniture from me recently. Because we were decorating we had already put the bed and wardrobe in the garage for them to collect. I have to say that when the 2 blokes arrived, I'm glad they were only going in my garage and not in the house. They couldn't speak English and, frankly, I found them strange. They did give me some literature about the charity, I wasn't right impressed. I only asked them to take the stuff as it saved me a trip to the tip!

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From what I know of them they are a Spanish charity which is probably why they tend to mainly employ foreigners. I can't remember how I found that out - I probably asked them knowing me I'm nosy like that you see!:D

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For a concern that makes it's money from three (?) second hand furniture shops, they seem to be able to employ a heck of a lot of workforce. Look in the shops, usually a handful of guys working there.


They painted the exterior of a friends house it is a terrace - five of them turned up!


(They put one huge thick coat of green paint on the woodwork - took months to dry) :hihi:

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