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Remar UK - what are your thoughts?

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they have an alternitive to leave if they want to, they are not forced to stay in remar.

living in remar will give you a home, and obvioselly you would have to help to work because they are not just helpin themselfs, they are helping countries like africa and poor coutries


Africa isn't a country. They should make sure you get a better education, clearly failed at that.


Plenty of other charities help Africa without using cult slaves.

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their job is not to give education ...pardon me for my simple mistake like your perfect!

& i dont think you cant say plenty of charities help africa because when i was there i dindt see that...remar is not a cult you cant say that cuzz u aint been on it ...if you have seen the amount of teenagers from miami,spain,portugal,london and other places that actually help out you wouldnt be judging

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Does anyone else think it is a bit suspicious that Flex123 and Wondering123, have similar user names and almost identical spelling mistakes?


Flex123 says he got this site by typing in REMAR how did Wandering123 come across it and why?

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their job is not to give education ...pardon me for my simple mistake like your perfect!

& i dont think you cant say plenty of charities help africa because when i was there i dindt see that...remar is not a cult you cant say that cuzz u aint been on it ...if you have seen the amount of teenagers from miami,spain,portugal,london and other places that actually help out you wouldnt be judging


If you were born & raised there, then it's their job to make sure you got a proper education. Is withholding access to education part of their methods of control?

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i was raised there because members of my family had their problems...i go school outside the community...they give education to kids in poorer countries , for kids that dnt hv parents...they built the schools for them...

Edited by wondering123
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  • 1 year later...

I have personal experience with Remar. Remar was founded in Spain by Miguel Diaz. The reason why some people think they are Portuguese is that so many of the people involved are Portuguese. My Portuguese wife and I were introduced to them about 10 years ago when we lived in Salford. We visited them quite often and were shown around their operations in Nottingham and Sheffield, as well as here in Manchester.


Being bi-lingual (I speak Spanish and Portuguese besides English), and a Christian, the local leaders at the time (a Portuguese couple) were interested in having our involvement because I would be able to work for them ads an interpreter.


I quickly began to have suspicions about them that Remar was a cult. This was partly because of my own experience in another cult group over 30 years ago. What I witnessed in Remar was typical of cult groups such as the one I had been a member of for over 6 years.


The people who are brought into Remar are very vulnerable being people who are seeking to end their addictions (beit drugs or alcohol mostly). Once in the group they are often sent abroad, rather then undergo rehab in their own country. Remar state in their publicity that they help turn these people into "Useful members of Society" however these people are not given rehab with the intention of teaching them a trade and reintroducing them back into society as other Christian Rehab organisations do. Once in Remar they are expected to remain.


Just as the group I was a member of Remar feed these people on a diet of unhealthy food. Mostly food that is being thrown away by businesses. Often it will be Pasta with a bit of meat, water to drink and stale cakes or donuts, sometimes out of date yougurts, etcetera. Added to this the members are expected to work very hard, often from very early in the morning until the evening 6 days a week. I often saw them, during what was meant to be a time of prayer, dozing off because they were so tired. This is one of the marks of an abusive cult.


Also the members are referred to as the Boys and Girls (Even though they may be older) and they are treated as children. Dissent is not tolerated. If a person decides that they don't want to stay they are shown the door and disowned. They will leave with no money and no help to return home--which is a frightening prospect for someone who is hundreds of miles from home in a foreign land where they do not know anyone or even speak the language.


People are often told of the terrible things that happened to those who left Remar. Stories of people "dying of Aids" and other similar stories. This is because by leaving the protection of Remar they were leaving the protection of God! I was told this by the leader I was being shown around by. Yet another sign of an abusive cult!


One of the English members I spoke with--who left soon after I had met with Remar-- spoke with a preacher we both know about an English member in Chicago who was being pressured into marrying a man within Remar. Members are expected to marry within the group. This man was HIV+ and she did not want to marry him. She was told to "trust God" and God would keep her safe. Our preacher friend paid for her plane ticket to get out of Remar and come back home to UK!


According to Remar's accounts (which are on public record via the Charity Commission's website) in 2012 Remar raised just short of 1and a quarter million pounds in the UK. One would think that with that amount of money the members could be provided with the kind of diet necessary to aid recovery! Just over £75,000 was sent to Remar Spain and only a mere £8,818 was sent to the work of Remar in India and Ireland.

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  • 6 months later...

Hi, My name is Jason Bosanquet. Fourteen years ago, I went to Remar and remained in Remar for all that time helping others to overcome their addictions and helping others in need. before I went to Remar, I was a heroin addict. I was an addict for many years. For along time, I tried to give up drugs and live an ordinary life, but it was impossible as the desire for heroin was too strong, so I remained in a dark dark hole and could never escape it. Through having an addiction to drugs, I was homeless on the streets and I made many wrong choices, in which I am not proud of. Through injecting heroin and crack cocaine, I had gangerine in my leg, which spread rapidly and my life was in jeopardy.


I was rushed to hospital and was seen by a surgeon and he advised that I must have my leg amputated. At that moment, I started to fear as I needed my legs to survive because my life was about thieving and robbing, but not because I was a bad person, but because I had made the wrong choices in my life and now this was the consequences of making the wrong choices.


That night, Whilst lying in the hospital bed, the tears were streaming down my face. I couldn't stop thinking about what the surgeon had said to me. I was terrified. I just wanted to die. I started to pray to God and I asked him " why me Lord? I don't deserve this. Please help me"!


The surgeon came back round to visit me once again and I noticed him looking at my leg, but at the same time, he looked very confused. He said to me " Mr Bosanquet, I don't know how to tell you this, but your leg is starting to heal. I have been a surgeon for many years and I have never seen this happen before. I just don't know how to explain it. All I can say is, the nurses are doing a good job".


Deep in my heart, I know The Lord heard my cry and he answered me.


This is when I decided to go to Remar and change my life forever. I went to India and lived there for 3 years, helping people in poverty and hunger. In Remar they showed me how to live a good life in the correct way, but nothing to do with religion, but having Jesus as the main strong hold of my life and having love and self control.


Now I am married and live in Scotland with my wife and my children. I am free of all drugs and addictions and I am now in a position to tell others about my life and my testimony.


People tend to judge Remar, but know nothing about Remar. The ones that have failed within their rehabilitation are the ones that talk negative about Remar, but this makes me feel really sad because Remar is always there in their times of weakness. Remar will still have their doors open to anyone that needs help.


Most people within Remar have been in similar circumstances. And the same grace shown to them, they show to others in need.


Let's face it. if you look for bad in something then you will see bad and if you look for good then you will see good.


I hope people have a better understanding of Remar.


god bless x

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