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Pele 3 - Wednesday 1

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I have the programme here & it was on monday the 22nd october 1962 kick-off 7-15pm.wednesdays team was(in the programme)Springett,Johnson,Megson,Eustace,Swan,Kay,Finney,Dobson,Layne,Fantham&holliday.


Sontos team was.


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Was at that match in 72, me & a friend went & dragged along our boyfriends at the time along with their mates. Can vividly remember them reminding us constantly what a huge favour they were doing us (they were mad United fans & it pained them going to Hillsborough) Young Love :hihi:

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My Dad walked me down from Milnrow Road on the Cross to the 62 match and also to one against Stoke City around about the same time. He wanted me to be able to say I'd seen Pele and Matthews when I grew up. Its now 47 years later and I do indeed tell about it and can even show the programmes. And I'm still a season ticket holder even though I moved to the Scottish Borders two years ago - the matches mean I have two good reasons to visit Sheffield; Wednesday and my Dad who turned 89 this month.

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  • 1 year later...
The Brazilians were staying at the Grand Hotel at the time, and my dad happened to be staying at the same time.... Bless him, he managed to get me Pele's autograph...

Terrific..... until I later gave my autograph book to a lady who was a secretary at the Hillsborough ground. All I remember is that she was living at the Rutland Hotel on Glossop Road at the time, and took the book in order to get me the Wednesday squad signatures.....

Needless to say, I never saw it again....!


After the '62 match I waited outside the players' entrance hoping to get autographs. Pele was last out (with a stunner clad all in white on his arm) and was the only one to sign autographs, though he only signed two. The first one was on a photograph in a folded newspaper and the lad waved it in triumph. The second was in my autograph book (or so I thought). Alas the biro had packed in and all I got was an impression in the soft cartridge paper of my little book!

Pele was a fantastic draw and my consolation was that I had earlier secured the signature of the late great Derek Dougan after pestering him for a couple of hundred yards down Penistone Road. He was playing for Villa at the time and it was only a couple of years after he had broken mine and thousands of Wednesdayites' hearts with his double for Blackburn in a semi at Maine Road. I remember he was resplendent in a terrific belted herringbone overcoat.

Great memories.

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I was babysitting that evenong in the mid sixties for a Wednesday player called Billy Griffin who returned home after the match with Tony Kaye, Pete Swan AND Pele's shirt - which I was allowed to touch!!!!


Billy Griffin wore blue leather winkle pickers to match his blue Italian suit (off the field before any of you wags have a go). I remember him getting somewhat agitated outside the players' entrance at Hillsborough when a rather forthright lady declared she would not pay him in brass buttons!

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