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Why do 15 year old girls dress up like prostitutes??

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I guess that the prostitute who was murdered that the OP refers to was Michaela Hague? Michaela was murdered in 2001, and I would have thought that the fact that her lifestyle meant that she was in a vulnerable position led to her horrific murder, not what she was wearing.

15 (or whatever age) year olds who wear provocative clothing may look tragic. I happen to know a 14 year old quite well who dresses in an incredibly revealing manner. As far as I can tell, its because the admiring glances she gets from men far old enough to know better is the only way she feels any self esteem. I don't think they deserve our scorn, rather we should be thinking about what's happening in their sad (old fashioned version of the word) existences to mean that this is the only way they feel any self - worth

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Originally posted by Cyclone

Maybe you should start another thread instead of hijacking this one.


well it was dying with demands to save the thread

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observing West st. why do a lot of young girls all go out with very short skirts and little tops with nothing to identify them from the hoard. Its one big hoard of not very attractively dressed girl

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I haven't read the entire thread but girls aged 13 to 16 dress simply to look older, (as libuse stated) to raise their self-esteem and to attract boys. So in general it's fashion


As they are young they dont realise that as well as catching the admiring glances of boys their own age that they catch those of much older men (also see thread related to Kosovans in Peace Gardens). It will never change i'm afraid, i see it all the time especially at these pop and crisp nights (think that's what they are called) where ever they hold them.

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