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Why do 15 year old girls dress up like prostitutes??

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Not if it puts their life in jepordy


Getting in a car is a risk, crossing the road is a risk, do you advocate banning these harmless pastimes aswell? If not why not?


I'd say they're both considerably more risk over being kidnapped. (Scaremongering aside).


The fact that something *may* be dangerous is certainly not a good enough excuse not to do it. You have to look at everything proportionally. Personally I haven't seen these "prostitute" young girls you mention. In my opinion they just look like young girls!


I can tell you exactly what risk they're in from me and *any* other normal person out there... none whatsoever.


You can't legislate against nutters doing nutty things.


Frankly your original post and it's needless scaremongering sound like sour grapes, are you jealous of these 15 year olds?

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I seem to remember a fashion for extremely short skirts that made my bus catching days as a kid fascinating!

Short skirts and low necklines - (sigh) - but I never thought these girls were about to offer me business - fashions are tame by comparison now - are you associating revealing clothing with low and immoral behavior - if so why?

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It's the fashion at the moment, there is no deeper meaning to it, try to think back to when you were young.


(obviously now everyone is going to claim they had no interest in fashion and spent their life in libraries until they were 25)

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It's not just 15 yr old girls, I was disgusted at the fact that they were selling boob tubes and other tarty looking clothes to fit children as young as 5 for the last few years in shops. I think kids should be dressed as kids and not mini adults but unfortunately the parents that buy these clothes don't agree.

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As the thread is 2 years old, are we now talking about 17 years old girls dressing like prostitutes? In which case, they're over the age of consent so I'm all in favour!


they should wait till 18 to become prostitutes though (if it be their choice of career)

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I sometimes have to smile when I drive. Sometimes young girls of an age when they are about to leave school, usually two together, linking arms, turn around to see who is driving an oncoming car. They must be very disappointed when they see me - a 63 years old has been.

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  • 3 years later...

I won't go down the 'deserve to get raped' route.


The campaign for the 'woman's vote' took on a militant form around the outbreak of WWI, in the form of the Suffragettes, the most notable and horrific act perhaps being at the June 1913 Derby when Emily Wilding Davison threw herself under the King's horse.


Other women campaigned tirelessly, were gaoled and suffered for the drive to become equal in post-war Britain, and finally won the right to vote in 1929. Well, not all women.


In all sections society, from politics to showbusiness and sport to education, women strove to be equal and achieved great feats in their chosen professions.

Today there are inumerable examples in many professions of talented, intelligent, strong and inspiring females being great successes in their own right, and not just "supporting their man".


So, isn't all this great and hard-won work by acknowledged and respected women being diluted and demeaned by seemingly plentiful bimbo's and tramps who seem to have hijacked the world media and be féted as icons - praised to almost goddess-status for having no apparent talent, intelligence, grace or communication skills. (Katie Price? Paris Hilton? The only way is Essex?)


Disdaining the above, positive(?) female role models- or any such 'positive' role models in today's culture (Gwyneth Paltrow? Beyonce?) - modern girls and women seem, in my view, to slavishly follow tacky TV shows and frothy-headed mag articles featuring these 'ladies' who preach a neurotic, cheap materialism and 'inspire' a screeching, foul-mouthed tirade every time they get dumped or don't get 'what they want' (usually fame, an X-Factor vote or a dumb footballer)?

And why is it 'cool' to be as sarcastic and bitchy as possible? Or violent against men in TV ads and soaps?


What messages to teenage girls are they sending? To get surgery and act/dress like old fishwives? To behave like a petulant child if a relationship ends? That it's ok to be dumbed-down, plastic and cheap with no real ambition or self-respect or stylish femininity?

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Every day i walk around the city centre and all i see is little 15 year old girls who look rather like prostitutes! If these are your daughters, they could be in danger because, recently there has been a murder of a prostitute in the Sheffield area! It has even been on Crimewatch!


Watch out :thumbsup:




Well keep away then, no matter how young girls dress to be fashionable does not give you the right to say they look like prostitutes, do you live in city centre as you seem to be very friendly with these girls as you know their ages. Why do walk round city centre every day?

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