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An observation from a non-Sheffielder

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Well if it's on Wikipedia it must be gospel! :P


Not just wikipedia ... http://www.statistics.gov.uk/cci/nugget.asp?id=1307


What a great post Spinac, but I hope your wearing your flack jacket :hihi:


I'm pretty thick skinned OlDog, ... and I like a good discussion! I've given this a lot of thought and for me it helps to think of Sheffield as smaller. Pretending to be bigger than you actually are comes with risks. Sheffield is what it is and I like the fact that you don't have to go too far from the city centre to get to the country - there's good balance in that!

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You're absolutely right that Sheffield doesn't feel like one of the largest cities in the UK. Many other cities have had massive amounts of investment into modernisation that Sheffield just hasn't had for various reasons.


I lived in Manchester when the city centre there was being developed around 8-10 years ago. It was a massive building site and a dump to be honest but now it's fantastic. Sheffield is only just starting this process now.

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I have another theory about the 'feel' of Sheffield as well - and that is whatever direction you look in you can normally see something rather then just another street or set of buildings - a backdrop to the city, usually a hill with a suburb on it, or countryside or whatever, but it tends to give it a perspective and boundary which I don't think you get in many other cities.


Just my theory.

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Sheffield being the 4th largest city is not a claim; it's a provable fact, thanks to council boundaries and census numbers.


The key, as you've already found out for yourself, is that Sheffield has very little urban sprawl surrounding it. Manchester, a smaller city, is surrounded for nearly 20 miles in every direction by other towns and cities, and outsiders tend to label the entire conglomeration "Manchester, population about a million." Manchester, the conglomeration, is several times the size of Sheffield, the city.


Exactly .... and if Chesterfield, Rotherham, Barnsley were all smack bang at the side of Sheff, it would start to have a similar feel to the other metropolitan areas.

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You having a laugh aren't you? Surely. If not I'll have one for you.


Go and wander around Canary Wharf and show me where that is comparable in Leeds.


no i'm not having a laugh. and i said nearly on par. the development in leeds over the past 5 years has been staggering and if the lumiere tower project gets underway that will be very impressive. having stayed in canary wharf on many occasions obviously that is a complete mile ahead and so it should be. but i don't expect a lot of acceptance on a sheffield forum tbh so i'll let you have you victory...

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Does it even matter at all?



You come to Sheffield because you want to see what it's like or you already live there.


You stay in Sheffield because you like it.


If you hate Sheffield and 'it's size' you leave.


The End. :)

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