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An observation from a non-Sheffielder

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Mines bigger than yours eh? But then, big IS beatiful innit?


Sheffields Greatest assets imo, (apart from its earthy people) are its abundance of open green spaces, the county of Yorkshire, and the beatiful counties that border it. Pity the council and braindead city planners, have always been a bitter disappointment!

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Mines bigger than yours eh? But then, big IS beatiful innit?


Sheffields Greatest assets imo, (apart from its earthy people) are its abundance of open green spaces, the county of Yorkshire, and the beatiful counties that border it. Pity the council and braindead city planners, have always been a bitter disappointment!


Personally I think we should go for UDI and re-establish the county of Hallamshire. Forget Yorkshire.

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Not really sure what your point is spinac.


I've lived in and travelled to many parts this country. When I'm told Sheffield is 4th largest city (which I have been many times) there's a little alarm bell that goes off in my head. That little alarm that says caution, falsehood, lies, no way, BS!


So I've discussed this with a friend and upset him.


I've researched the stat and discovered that yes Sheffield is indeed the 4th largest city by population. I've also discovered that Sheffield is the 9th largest city by population when you look at metropolitan area.


When you travel from one city to another you start to get the feel for that city when the green fields disappear and the urban development begins. When you get to the heart of the city you look around and get a gut feel for the size of the city by the size of the buildings, the newness of the architecture, the number of busy shops bars and restaurants etc.


Any city centre is supported by its surrounding area. Because Shefield doesn't have the population in the surrounding area, it means Shefield City Centre isn't as thriving as other cities that do have bigger populations in the surrounding areas.


I'm acknowledging that Shefield is both 4th largest and 9th largest all depending upon how you look at it. If you insist on only looking at hte truth from one angle and then insisting to others that this is the only truth, it makes you look a little silly.


I'm not saying i don't like Sheffield. I do. It's just not as big as people keep insisting.

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Just to be clear - I'm not saying Sheffield is not the 4th largest city, but this is not the WHOLE truth. It is the 4th largest city. It's also the 9th largest urban conurbation and this last stat seems more representative of personal experience.


What do you mean by 'not the WHOLE truth'


Are you suggesting the government figures are fabricated or something?!?!

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I've researched the stat and discovered that yes Sheffield is indeed the 4th largest city by population. I've also discovered that Sheffield is the 9th largest city by population when you look at metropolitan area.



That statement completely contradicts itself!


What on earth on you on about?

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You are also missing a few very important factors regarding Sheffield.


If you judge a city being big by having tall buildings, cultural activities and a centre of commerce, then Sheffield isn't going to look big. However not that many years ago you could have judged Sheffield as MASSIVE based on the enormous scale of it's industrial steel works and other heavy industries that it used to have.


Point is, Manchester, Leeds etc. Were always as much about commerce and culture as they were about industry, Sheffield never was, being vastly weighted towards the heavy industries. It has never been a centre of commerce, it was never a cultural centre, it has few museums or galleries and unfortunately the disapearence of the industrial centre means until (if) it manages to attract more commerce and cultural activities it is always going to look small to those city centres that have them when judging them by that basis.


But judge it on other things and it's a big city.

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