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Lodge Moor - oral history

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I am looking for oral history memories concerning Lodge Moor & camp 17. I am a German journalist currently making research on this topic.


As far as I know there was an escape attempt by the German POW. But the attempt has been betrayed and an outraged mob of Germans eventually lynched the suspected traitor. Later on two of these suspected murders were hanged based on a verdict issued by the British Authorities.


In order to find out as much as possible about daily life in the camp before this escape attempt in 1945 any kind of information and hints to find out contemporary witnesses of the camp would be very helpful. Although most of the former POW should be now around 90 years old there is still a slightl chance to find some of them and save their memories.


I know that a lot of the German POW did get in touch with the local population during their detention and even after their release. Maybe someone is still in contact with one of them or have names or addresses.


I hope you can help me,

all the best,



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