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Lockerbie bomber freed

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Well that's the opinion of two individuals who lost family. What about the opinions of the rest of the families who lost loved ones? How many would that be? Some 270 or more?


As I keep saying though it's quite likely that those other families are continuing to believe a mistruth.


Given that certain witnesses in Megrahi's original trial have come forward to say that they had been offered huge sums of money by the CIA to tailor their stories to fit a Libyan Al-Megrahi connection to Lockerbie.

It is unlikely that the US would be quite so vocal about the new evidence that has surfaced as it would implicate the CIA in essentially a frame up.


And then there was the Heathrow guard who revealed that the Lockerbie flight baggage area had been broken into with snapped off padlocks the day the bombing took place.

This evidence was not allowed to be heard during the trial.

If it had been then it would have cast serious doubt on the Malta/Frankfurt connection and therefore the whole case against Megrahi.


Surely the besty way to honour the memory of the dead and the grieving families is to get to the truth and not to continue to believe the verdict that was reached in Scotland in 2001.

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But he may well have had some knowledge as to who actually were the culprits even if he did not actually participate in it himself. The fact that during the years he was in prison he never chose to divulge any of this tells me that he was either involved and didn't want to incriminate himself further or keeping quiet for various reasons. Perhaps knowing that his family were still Libya?


Or perhaps there is a much simpler explanation:


He didn't know anything.

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As I keep saying though it's quite likely that those other families are continuing to believe a mistruth.

Given that certain witnesses in Megrahi's original trial have come forward to say that they had been offered huge sums of money by the CIA to tailor their stories to fit a Libyian Al-Megrahi connection to Lockerbie.

It is unlikely that the US would be quite so vocal about the new evidence that has surfaced as it would implicate the CIA in essentially a frame up.


And then there was the Heathrow guard who revealed that the Lockerbie flight baggage area had been broken into with snapped off padlocks the day the bombing took place.

This evidence was not allowed to be heard during the trial.

If it had been then it would have cast serious doubt on the Malta/Frankfurt connection and therefore the whole case against Megrahi.


Surely the besty way to honour the memory of the dead and the grieving families is to get to the truth and not to continue to believe the verdict that was reached in Scotland in 2001.


That's a tall statement Kingmaker2. One would have to verify that by contacting these families. No doubt after so many years most of them have picked up the pieces and moved on with their lives and would not express their opinions in public anyway due to not wishing to reawaken very painful memories

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So what you're saying is that after 9/11 Bush strong armed Blair into getting the British army to involve itself in Afghanistan and become some sort of mercenery force in the pay of the Americans? Is this how I'm reading it?


Further and further into fantasy land you go :hihi:


If you like. At least I'm not a pretend American desperately trying to gain acceptance in my adopted country by trying to demonstrate I can be as narrow minded and blindly patriotic as any deranged hillbilly inbred.


You'll remember your post which started this exchange, suggesting Americans should boycott Scotland? Yet you say I'm living in some fantasy world eh?

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That's a tall statement Kingmaker2. One would have to verify that by contacting these families. No doubt after so many years most of them have picked up the pieces and moved on with their lives and would not express their opinions in public anyway due to not wishing to reawaken very painful memories


Not too sure I understand.


If the grieving families are outraged by Al-Megrahi's release then they must think him guilty of the crime.


If they don't think he is guilty, but are still outraged by Megrahi's release then doesn't that just illustrate the whole farce and nonsense of the situation.:confused:

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If you like. At least I'm not a pretend American desperately trying to gain acceptance in my adopted country by trying to demonstrate I can be as narrow minded and blindly patriotic as any deranged hillbilly inbred.


You'll remember your post which started this exchange, suggesting Americans should boycott Scotland? Yet you say I'm living in some fantasy world eh?


There you go true to form as usual :hihi: The usual ignorant remarks, hillbilly. redneck, idiot and so on. Always a sure sign that someone has lost a discussion.


I asked you one time what you truly believed in but you avoided answering that question. You'll never change

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Sorry that's too hard to believe in my opinion


But that is on the assumption that Libya had anything to do with Lockerbie, once again new evidence suggests that a Libyan connection isn't as sound as it had been potrayed originally.


If Libya had no connection to the bombing then there is no reason to belive that Al-Megrahi knew anything about the bombing.

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Not too sure I understand.


If the grieving families are outraged by Al-Megrahi's release then they must think him guilty of the crime.


If they don't think he is guilty, but are still outraged by Megrahi release then doesn't that just illustrate the whole farce and nonsense of the situation.:confused:


I'm quoting from CNN, BBC world news sources and opinion polls. Obviously these news sources have obtained their information from somewhere and from that my statement that many are outraged still stands. There may have been many who have expressed this by calling their Congressmen or MPs or responded to confidential opinion polls not wishing their identities to be known and not wanting to appear in person before the media

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But that is on the assumption that Libya had anything to do with Lockerbie, once again new evidence suggests that a Libyan connection isn't as sound as it had been potrayed originally.


If Libya had no connection to the bombing then there is no reason to belive that Al-Megrahi knew anything about the bombing.


Khadaffi at the time was known to be an active supporter of terrorisism. Long before Iran, Syria or Al Qaeda entered the fold.


Somewhere around 1987 or 88 a bomb exploded in a Berlin night club killing around a dozen U.S servicemen. This attack was traced to Libyan terrorists and Ronald Reagan launched a retaliatory strike against Khaddaifi's family compound killing one of his relatives, a small child I believe. This did something to curb Khadaffi's active support of terrorism but the PAn AM bombing may very well have been carried out with his knowledge and blessing as revenge.

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