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Lockerbie bomber freed

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dont know about that but I do know about the sacrifice made when I get a puncture on my mountain bike and I have to hand pump it up


be thankful you live in a liberal democracy where policemen and policewomen will help you, rather than a military dictatorship where the whole point is that they rob you blind. Every single day you're alive.

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But that is on the assumption that Libya had anything to do with Lockerbie, once again new evidence suggests that a Libyan connection isn't as sound as it had been potrayed originally.


If Libya had no connection to the bombing then there is no reason to belive that Al-Megrahi knew anything about the bombing.

All I'm saying is that the grief is ongoing. If the families accepted a guilty verdict in a Scottish court, and why should they not, aware as they were of the high quality of British justice, they would find some closure in that verdict. To be informed that a man who they had no reason to believe was innocent was being released, must have been a terrible letdown. I personally felt no pity whatsoever at the time for the man, but if evidence is found I will regret my thoughts. So far I still feel none, espescially seeing those demonstrations in Libya.
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Saddam at that time was in fact something of a favourite ally of the U.S. I think the U.S regarded Iran as far more of an enemy due to the Shah being kicked out and the taking of the American hostages from the embassy in Tehran even if the hostages had been release several years before.


I dont think the U.S would have balked at picking a fight with Iran as you say.

Iran was still suffering from the effects of it's war with Iraq at that time and in no position to offer any serious opposition in a war with the U.S, a war in which Iraq would gladly have sided with the U.S


Seems logical therefore that the U.S would have picked Iran as the bogeyan rather than Libya


I think you have got a little confused Harleyman, both the last 2 paragraphs in my post were directly lifted from Newsweek article and aren't my words.


At first like yourself I couldn't quite agree with that particular part of the Newsweek article about the US being more reluctant to pick a fight with Iran.

But then you have to consider the time line.

It wasn't until Nov 1991 that Libya was fingered for the Lockerbie bombing, by that time Iraq had fallen out of favour with the US during the first gulf war and the US wouldn't want to have 2 headaches in the Middle East side by side, so it is perfectly plausable that the US didn't want to confront Iran at that particular time in Nov 1991.

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I personally felt no pity whatsoever at the time for the man, but if evidence is found I will regret my thoughts. So far I still feel none, espescially seeing those demonstrations in Libya.


What demonstrations:?:


I didn't see any, all I saw was people happy to see their countryman home and Scottish flags in the background.

There was no disrespect or malice shown towards the Lockerbie victims.

The Libyans were just doing what you expected them to do.


In terms of being sensitive to grieving relatives........where was the sensitivty shown towards the grieving relatives of the 290 people that were killed when the Iranian airliner was shot down by the USS Vincennes In July1990:confused:


Captain Rogers commander of the USS Vicennes at the time was awarded by President George H. W. Bush the Legion of Merit decoration "for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding service as commanding officer ... from April 1987 to May 1989." :suspect:


Sorry but the US can hardly complain about lack of sensitivity shown by the Libyans when it has shown precious little sensitivity to the victims and familes of Iran Air 655.:rolleyes:

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Could you possibly be any ruder? I mean really. You know, it's quite possible to engage in a healthy debate with someone without resorting to insults.


Oh how Impartial you are. :hihi:

After all, your fellow americans were being so polite to me

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What demonstrations?


I didn't see any, all I saw was people happy to see their countryman home and Scottish flags in the background.

There was no disrespect or malice shown towards the Lockerbie victims.

The Libyans were just doing what you expected them to do.


In terms of being sensitive to grieving relatives........where was the sensitivty shown towards the grieving relatives of the 290 people that were killed when the Iranian airliner was shot down by the USS Vincennes In July1990:confused:


Captain Rogers commander of the USS Vicennes at the time was awarded by President George H. W. Bush the Legion of Merit decoration "for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding service as commanding officer ... from April 1987 to May 1989." :suspect:


Sorry but the US can hardly complain about lack of sensitivity shown by the Libyans when it has shown precious little sensitivity to the victims and familes of Iran Air 655.:rolleyes:

And you have shown not one iota of sympathy to these victims families yourself.
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Oh how Impartial you are. :hihi:

After all, your fellow americans were being so polite to me

You began the insulting yourself, as you always do. Then you cry foul the minute someone calls you what you are. Sierra happens to be one of the fairest minded people I know and popular with most forummers, except Yank bashers like you.
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families of the victims of Lockerbie or Iran Air 655:?:

You know who I meant. As it happens I thought the shooting down of that Irani jet was a horrible act and was deeply concerned about the victims. I've heard the aircraft was called on the emergency frequency , always turned on on any commercial jet, was unanswered and the plane was on a direct path to the ship. But I have no proof that was ever so. It was a desperate act in any case, and indefensible.
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Buck your comment about "demonstations" is quite telling about your mind set.


In the pictures beamed around the Western media, who showed scant regard to the sensitivities of the Lockerbie victims families themselves in pursuit of coverage, showed crowds gathered to welcome home Megrahi you see "demonstations"


That says it all really.:rolleyes:

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