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Lockerbie bomber freed

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Oh how Impartial you are. :hihi:

After all, your fellow americans were being so polite to me


I think your problem is that you just hate all Americans for whatever reason.

You're entitled to your views of course but I would hold back on some of your remarks that people who have pride in their country, show patriotism or fly the flag sometimes are nothing more to quote you " a bunch of ignorant inbred hillbillys"


This attitude smacks to me of intellectual snobbery. I use the word "intellectual" loosely in your case

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The Libyans will doubtless see this as the will of their invisible friend Allah, and not an act of mercy by the Scottish Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill, so the gesture has been completely wasted at the expense of Scotland's international reputation!

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He received a heroe's welcome on return to Libya. Khadaffi himself was there to give him a hug. When a nation's leader greets you at the airport is has to be a heroes welcome no two ways about it


This is how things get blown out of proportion. In actual fact Khadaffi did not give him a hug on his return it was his brother.

Khadaffi met him the next day I'm sure , probably to show the west how much he thought about us getting in a huff about him being welcomed home.


But hey dont let facts get in the way of proving a point :D

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He received a heroe's welcome on return to Libya. Khadaffi himself was there to give him a hug. When a nation's leader greets you at the airport is has to be a heroes welcome no two ways about it




im sure if wed been locked up in another country for years (whether guilty OR NOT GUILTY) and was suddenly sent home we might have a little bit of interest from above?

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im sure if wed been locked up in another country for years (whether guilty OR NOT GUILTY) and was suddenly sent home we might have a little bit of interest from above?


So what you are saying is that if I had some part of, or was the actual perpetrator of a crime such as blowing up a plane over Spain for example and spent years in a Spanish jail and then suddenly released on the grounds of terminal hemmeroids I could expect a warm welcome from Gordon Brown at Heathrow who had a "little bit of ineterest" in me ? :hihi:

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This is how things get blown out of proportion. In actual fact Khadaffi did not give him a hug on his return it was his brother.

Khadaffi met him the next day I'm sure , probably to show the west how much he thought about us getting in a huff about him being welcomed home.


But hey dont let facts get in the way of proving a point :D


Didn't the Scottish parliament ask in return for his compassionate release that the homecoming be low key?

Shows how much the Libyans return a favour. Gave the Jocks the finger

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They can ask for what they want, the Libyan Gov dont owe them anything if you beleve that he was free'd on compassionate grounds as was the reason given to use joe public.


Once free he was exactly that free, and no one can tell him what or not to do. Besides the Libya gov don't have to take the least bit of notice of whats asked of them and why should they ? that would be like us asking China not to make a fuss about us giving back Hong Kong.

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Didn't the Scottish parliament ask in return for his compassionate release that the homecoming be low key?

Shows how much the Libyans return a favour. Gave the Jocks the finger


First off I think it was wishful thinking for any outside government to think that such a high profiled man such as Almegrahi's return would be low key!


Doubtless the vast majority of Libyans have followed the Lockerbie case ever since Almegrahi was convicted, most in Libya seem to think he was wrongly convicted.


Megrahi's return to Libyan soil was NEVER going to be low key, and such requests by UK politicians was frankly a little pathetic.

They would have been much better letting the Libyans decide how they saw fit to mark Megrahi's return.


As far as "favours" go, It's interesting to hear via Christine Grahame (Scottish MP) that compassionate release would only be considered IF Megrahi dropped his appeal.


So it doesn't seem such a "favour"....much more like a trade off.


Megrahi doesn't go ahead with the appeal which threatened to embarrass the Scottish judges, the UK and US investigations, the CIA and the FBI.


I'd say the Scottish and the other parties came away with a pretty good deal.

Megrahi on the other hand only gets a few months at home.


If anything Megrahi has done the bigger favour.

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