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Lockerbie bomber freed

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But he was head of the Libyan national airline. Do the heads of airlines involve themselves in trade deals with foreign entities or isn't it more likely that such trade would be carried out by the Libyan Trade Commission or whatever the name of such agency in Libya?


Harley what are your thoughts on the tv clip?



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I did defend it and still do. Everybody has a right to their opinions. It's people like you who jump up and start insulting people whose opinions differ from yours that are the problem. As I said this is "Intellectual" snobbery, pseudo intellectual I might add.


Dry your eyes. You were the first one to get personal:


You really do live in some sort of fantasy world :hihi:

If you can't take it, you shouldn't give it out.


I challenge you to post what it is I've said that is 'pseudo intellectual'. I won't hold my breath, because I think what you actually mean is that I draw my opinions from a wider source than Fox News and CNN.

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Dry your eyes. You were the first one to get personal:


If you can't take it, you shouldn't give it out.


I challenge you to post what it is I've said that is 'pseudo intellectual'. I won't hold my breath, because I think what you actually mean is that I draw my opinions from a wider source than Fox News and CNN.


I'm sort of getting bored with this slanging match. It's not going to get either of us anywhere and it's way off thread subject anyway. Go drink a beer and relax with an ice pack on your head :hihi:

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Harley what are your thoughts on the tv clip?




Some very intelligent counter arguments about Libya's involvement. I was surprised to see that there was no jury at the trial. This bothers me a lot. If all the evidence had been presented to a jury then the outcome may well have been very different.

If Megrahni is innocent then a trerrible injustice had been done but will we ever know all the facts and who then did the bombing? This whole case should be re-opened. Maybe the trail hasn't gone completely cold but I doubt it ever will be. It's faded into history except to the relatives of the victims who I truly feel sorry for and I doubt their call for a boycott of Scotland will have much effect either. I'm sure they desperately want closure.

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Curiously, you don't consider it rude that an American should come on a British forum to tell us that Scotland should be boycotted by America, despite the fact numerous Scots have lost their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan, fighting a war in support of the USA, which the British people were overwhelmingly opposed to.


donkey, just stop already. You're starting to remind me of this guy.



Sorry, but there's no way you're gonna come out of this looking good. My daughter did speech and debate for four years. Do you have any idea what it's like being the parent of a mouthy teenage girl who's the co-captain of the debate team?


There is nothing you can say that will defend or excuse what you said to Harleyman. Nothing. You intended it to be insulting and to sting, and it was, and it probably did.


Don't try and change the subject.


Don't try and bring up other stuff that has nothing whatsoever to do with the matter at hand.


Don't try and throw the hot potato back at me.


You're an intelligent guy. I know you are. Just own it already and be done with it. A simple, "I'm sorry, I was out of line" is easier (on everyone) and gives you a decent chance of salvaging your dignity.

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From the CNN Headline News channel this morning Aug 24.


A call has gone out to boycott Scotland as a tourist destinaton and also a boycott of Scottish products.


It may not be fair to Scotland but who is to measure the depth of emotion and bitterness of the families who lost their nearest and dearest? Not for a the rest of us to judge.


I find this very ironic coming from the country that used to allow fund raising for terrorists killing UK subjects and country that used to refuse extradition of terrorist murder suspects to the UK.


For what it is worth, I also strongly disagree with the so called compassionate realise of this convicted terrorist.

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donkey, just stop already. You're starting to remind me of this guy.



Sorry, but there's no way you're gonna come out of this looking good. My daughter did speech and debate for four years. Do you have any idea what it's like being the parent of a mouthy teenage girl who's the co-captain of the debate team?


There is nothing you can say that will defend or excuse what you said to Harleyman. Nothing. You intended it to be insulting and to sting, and it was, and it probably did.


Don't try and change the subject.


Don't try and bring up other stuff that has nothing whatsoever to do with the matter at hand.


Don't try and throw the hot potato back at me.


You're an intelligent guy. I know you are. Just own it already and be done with it. A simple, "I'm sorry, I was out of line" is easier (on everyone) and gives you a decent chance of salvaging your dignity.


Nice speech. You say it would be 'easier on everyone', but it's only you me and Harleyman involved in this discussion(and he's got bored with it).


You are not speaking on behalf of the general public, and I can assure you I feel no shame or loss of dignity. I do know what your teenage daughter must feel like though.

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donkey, just stop already. You're starting to remind me of this guy.



Sorry, but there's no way you're gonna come out of this looking good. My daughter did speech and debate for four years. Do you have any idea what it's like being the parent of a mouthy teenage girl who's the co-captain of the debate team?


There is nothing you can say that will defend or excuse what you said to Harleyman. Nothing. You intended it to be insulting and to sting, and it was, and it probably did.


Don't try and change the subject.


Don't try and bring up other stuff that has nothing whatsoever to do with the matter at hand.


Don't try and throw the hot potato back at me.


You're an intelligent guy. I know you are. Just own it already and be done with it. A simple, "I'm sorry, I was out of line" is easier (on everyone) and gives you a decent chance of salvaging your dignity.



Yes Sierra I am an American and also an Englishman. Born in one great country and now living in another great country.


I was born and brought up in Sheffield as was my father and his father. I still feel a strong attachment to the place of my birth. Sheffield expats have a place on this forum and a right to voice their opinions. Donkey seems to have a problem with this unfortunately

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I find this very ironic coming from the country that used to allow fund raising for terrorists killing UK subjects and country that used to refuse extradition of terrorist murder suspects to the UK.


For what it is worth, I also strongly disagree with the so called compassionate realise of this convicted terrorist.


I quoted from a news source


I am only trying to imagine the reaction of the relatives to his release and the emotion they must feel. Anyway as i stated earlier the call for the boycott wont be very effective either. Many Americans have strong associations with Scotland through their ancestors who came here and contributed so much to American history and culture.


I've been to Edinburgh, toured the highlands and seen Loch Ness. Great country, fine proud people

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I quoted from a news source


I am only trying to imagine the reaction of the relatives to his release and the emotion they must feel. Anyway as i stated earlier the call for the boycott wont be very effective either. Many Americans have strong associations with Scotland through their ancestors who came here and contributed so much to American history and culture.


I've been to Edinburgh, toured the highlands and seen Loch Ness. Great country, fine proud people


You could imagine the feelings of the families of the victims of the Irish terrorist that have been funded by donations from the USA. And likewise of the families of victims of suspected terrorists that the USA refused to extradite.


The only couple of good things from this distasteful incident is that the terrorist doesn't have long for this world, and that Gadaffi has shown his true colours to the worlds diplomatic community. Whatever short term gain he will receive from this must surely cost him in the long term.

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