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Lockerbie bomber freed

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There is no way that there isn't a quid pro quo aspect of this - and anyone who thinks the Americans are REALLY and HONESTLY upset about letting him go are more naive than the people they purport to represent.


This whole deal was done at the behest of the American & the UK governments, with the Scottish legal system being chosen as the appropriate fall guy for them to blame when they do what as instructed. I suppose it was a no win situation for the Scottish government who did exactly as the American and UK governments wanted - despite the American claims to the contrary. We (the Scots) were no more than pawns in a much bigger game - and the result would have been the same whether it was Labour, SNP or whoever in charge.


THAT is to our shame, but nothing else is. I don't suppose this was a fight we were ever going to win, but I'm still disgusted in my government for not standing up for justice.


The only losers yesterday were the Scottish Justice System, Natural Justice and the victims of the bombing.

The winners were the US, Libyan and UK governments and their government agencies.


But hey, thats politics and the world I'm sorry to say we live in.



I Totaly agree with everything you put. Its a pitty other didnt see past the headlines they spin us.


I think they need Lybia a lot more than they need some bloke they set up to take the rap all tho's years ago. I wouldnt be supprised if he didnt live a long and fruitful life after this for the service he did for his country, ours and America.

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I Totaly agree with everything you put. Its a pitty other didnt see past the headlines they spin us.


I think they need Lybia a lot more than they need some bloke they set up to take the rap all tho's years ago. I wouldnt be supprised if he didnt live a long and fruitful life after this for the service he did for his country, ours and America.


I should have added if the USA people and government are that upset with the decision then they should sever all ties with Libya.


Oops, I forgot, there's Libya's oil.............

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In view of the fact that the Scottish parliament effectively told Obama to F.Off in his response to the release of this man I would hope that the families of those who perished in the bombing will organize a tourist boycott of Scotland this year.


A few thousand less tourists in places like Edinburgh will mean a lot less "poonds" in their sporans.

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In view of the fact that the Scottish parliament effectively told Obama to F.Off in his response to the release of this man I would hope that the families of those who perished in the bombing will organize a tourist boycott of Scotland this year.


A few thousand less tourists in places like Edinburgh will mean a lot less "poonds" in their sporans.


haha, did your ex-wife run off with a Jock? :love:

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Lets forge ahead, pull out all stops and have a cheap and efficient fuel alternative by the year 2030. Khadaffi can shove his oil where the sun dont shine


Harley here is more reported evidence by Time that suggests that the bombed filled suit case had little linkage to al-Megrahi.


"TIME has obtained a copy of the five-page FBI message, which states, "This computer entry does not indicate the origin of the bag which was sent for loading on board Pan Am 103. Nor does it indicate that the bag was actually loaded on Pan Am 103. It indicates only that a bag of unknown origin was sent from Coding Station 206 at 1:07 p.m. to a position from which it was supposed to be loaded on Pan Am 103."


The FBI agent's report concludes, "There remains the possibility that no luggage was transferred from Air Malta 180 to Pan Am 103."


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In view of the fact that the Scottish parliament effectively told Obama to F.Off in his response to the release of this man I would hope that the families of those who perished in the bombing will organize a tourist boycott of Scotland this year.


A few thousand less tourists in places like Edinburgh will mean a lot less "poonds" in their sporans.


Are you a WUM? Because everything you've said on this thread so far has been slightly insane.

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A few thousand less tourists in places like Edinburgh will mean a lot less "poonds" in their sporans.


I'm sure the families of the numerous Scottish soldiers who have died fighting for the Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan would appreciate that.

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