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Lockerbie bomber freed

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Isnt it 25 years they can keep things out of the public ?


I cant help wonder what would have got dug up by his legal team after 27 years.


I think the intelligance community was hoping this would all go away or he would die in prison before he had chance to rake it up.


But as he hasnt a solution was made up where he gets to go free with out appeal, the Americans can stamp there feet and say its not fare and normal ralations can resume with Libya where we get to go in and build oil refinaries that make Libya rich again and give us a break from the Saudi arm up the back that dragged us into getting rid of Sadam.

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That's why I said "innocent of the Lockerbie bombing" in my post.


I am also at a loss to understand your reasoning.


You say it's not right to release a convicted man until after their sentence is quoshed, but then again is is right to convict a man who may well be innocent of the charges, purely on circumstancial evidence:confused:



The 3 Scottish Judges convicted the man on the evidence they had been given (I know information was withheld but that was not the fault of the trial judges), rightly or wrongly we can only argue, we cannot be releasing convicted murders because public opinion says they are innocent, they must follow the judicial process, thats all I'm saying. I agree the whole thing stinks and I believe the reason he was released was a further cover up of information the UK and US governments hope we the public never find out about.

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I feel sorry for the relatives who had found "closure" with him (or anyone) being in prison. I understand their grief over his release, but I still think it was the right thing to do according to the law as it stands.


I wonder if the full story about this atrocity will ever come out.

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The 3 Scottish Judges convicted the man on the evidence they had been given (I know information was withheld but that was not the fault of the trial judges), rightly or wrongly we can only argue, we cannot be releasing convicted murders because public opinion says they are innocent, they must follow the judicial process


But the evidence they convicted al-Megrahi on was circumstancial evidence.


Whatever happened to "beyond reasonable doubt" ?


No person should EVER be convicted on circumstancial evidence in the absence of more solid evidence, regardless of the high profile nature of the case nor the strong desire to pin the blame on someone for the Lockerbie bombing.


Yes it's ended in a diplomatic mess, but that mess was caused 8 years ago when al-Megrahi was convicted on less than convincing evidence.

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I feel sorry for the relatives who had found "closure" with him (or anyone) being in prison. I understand their grief over his release, but I still think it was the right thing to do according to the law as it stands.


I wonder if the full story about this atrocity will ever come out.


Liberty the law does not state prisoners have to released on compassionate grounds, of the last 30 prisoners in Scottish jails to apply for compassionate release on medical grounds 7 have been refused, God only knows what these guys were in for. :huh:

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I'm sure the families of the numerous Scottish soldiers who have died fighting for the Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan would appreciate that.


Fighting for the Americans :loopy: The British army is there fighting the Taliban with the aim of eliminating them as a threat to nuclear armed Pakistan which they have already been.


If you cant see the big picture in all of this then put your head back into the sand pile.

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Magrahi probably didn't do it. Interesting that so many people get themselves into a righteous lather over the thought of the murderer going free, unless it was our own security services that framed the wrong man and let the real killers escape, in which case, they apparently don't give a damn.


It's been said that people get the government they deserve, and I am coming round to that view myself.


Probably didn't do it? Provide conclusive evidence

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