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Wincobank Hill Memories

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Hello, not quite sure what to say, new to this, but my gramma and grandad used to live in the white cottage on top of Wincobank Hill and my Uncle lived in the other one further down. They owned the fields around the cottage and had hens and pigs in the earlier years. Spent many a day rolling down the bank as a child. Does anyone remember the Manor House a bit further on up the lane before the gun stand.

i delivered coop milk there in 1944 when i was 14 and some one lived in the castlehouse

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Hello, not quite sure what to say, new to this, but my gramma and grandad used to live in the white cottage on top of Wincobank Hill and my Uncle lived in the other one further down. They owned the fields around the cottage and had hens and pigs in the earlier years. Spent many a day rolling down the bank as a child. Does anyone remember the Manor House a bit further on up the lane before the gun stand.

Hi and welcome - glad someone else has mentioned the old cottages - as kids we were always a little scared walking through the passage half way along to follow the steep path down towards Brightside. You'll recall the route ment us walking down beside folks' back gardens. I remember the livestock and if your old relatives kept a goat tethered on the front - it once got one of its horns stuck up my cardigan while I was stroking it and it dragged me all over the place before I could be freed. Not sure which of us was the more scared - the goat or me? Seem to remember a bolt of lightning tore the roofs off some of the cattages - maybe in the 60's and there was quite some damage? Glad as well you recall that old property a little higher up as per the foto kindly put on the forum. Happy days those - a real free childhood compared to today!

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Found this photo of the gun stand but not yet found a photo of the searchlight stand.


I recently had a walk onto Wincobank Hill to see how much it had changed since Alligin and me last played up there. Yes, it was a long time ago.

I posted some pictures on 'Anyone From Grimesthorpe' thread. Page 17. post No. 325.

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I dont remenber a lot but remember feeding the chickens and collecting eggs. I think youre right about the lightening, my grammas white cottage was struck by lightening and a thunderbolt wizzed around her living room before going out the window. I was only a small child but I really enjoyed going there and running round the gun stand.

Hi and welcome - glad someone else has mentioned the old cottages - as kids we were always a little scared walking through the passage half way along to follow the steep path down towards Brightside. You'll recall the route ment us walking down beside folks' back gardens. I remember the livestock and if your old relatives kept a goat tethered on the front - it once got one of its horns stuck up my cardigan while I was stroking it and it dragged me all over the place before I could be freed. Not sure which of us was the more scared - the goat or me? Seem to remember a bolt of lightning tore the roofs off some of the cattages - maybe in the 60's and there was quite some damage? Glad as well you recall that old property a little higher up as per the foto kindly put on the forum. Happy days those - a real free childhood compared to today![/QUOT
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Found this photo of the gun stand but not yet found a photo of the searchlight stand.


I recently had a walk onto Wincobank Hill to see how much it had changed since Alligin and me last played up there. Yes, it was a long time ago.

I posted some pictures on 'Anyone From Grimesthorpe' thread. Page 17. post No. 325.

Hi Cat - thanks for the photos and your mentioning the searchlight and gun stands. From my memory I remeber two structures, 1 was a concrete oblong about 12 feet by 10 and standing about 3 feet off the ground - much lower in height - further down the ridge towards Grimesthorpe - and the other located up near the trig point - not far from the old 'castle' looks like the 1 in the photo - a much bigger structure of concrete with a brick top where in the centre there was about a 3 foot 'well' where maybe a searchlight was positioned? I now wonder which was used for the gun and which the searchlight? I always thought the concrete block was for the gun but might be mistaken? Would be too much to suppose anyone out there actually operated either during the War. Wonder also if they were first built for the Great War and used in anger during the Second? would love to know after all these years!

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