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Nether Edge Shooting (Sat 22nd Aug 09)

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When I lived there (nearly 19 years ago now) it was mainly asian families and students..


It was ok, get the odd bit of noise from the students at weekends, but it wasnt bad..


Cant comment on it now though.


Still the same today - I lived bang in the middle of netheredge til about 7 years ago, when I left it was mostly students/graduates and a smattering of asian families - There seems to be more asian kids knocking about round there now??? Every now and again you hear tales of dealing ect, but I've only seen asian kids dealing round asline rd, not nether edge itself...

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Like i have always said every where has its good areas and bad areas - where my auntie and uncle used to live it as quite the streets were full of family homes - i think that was the side furthest away from town.


However ive noticed more and more crime happening in sheffield - has anyone else???


I'd say less - reason I'd say that was when I first moved to Sheffield the Star seemed to be reporting a murder etc every other day - these days the shootings etc are all confined to the little boy gangsters, and they just kill themselves and their pals, so noone one else is involved... It did used to seem that it really could be anyone next, now it's just kids after the darwin award!

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Maybe im just hearing about it more - i just think its mad they should do something to keep these kids off the street they're only doing it cause they are bored and need to earn "respect" its pathetic.


I don't think that they are bored and need something to fill their days, I always have the impression that this is the life they want, and one day they'll either die or get sent down and that will be that...

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Maybe im just hearing about it more - i just think its mad they should do something to keep these kids off the street they're only doing it cause they are bored and need to earn "respect" its pathetic.


Why do you presume the reasons behind a shooting? Not all shootings are for the same reasons. The 26 year old MAN that was shot was not a "kid". If there was anything to keep "the kids" off the streets it wouldnt help. People that are involved in shootings have already rejected the main thing that would keep them off the streets, working or education... They cant be helped, only stopped by jailing them for a long time and having an effective criminal justice system.

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I was speaking in response to the previous poster lonelylad

"hese days the shootings etc are all confined to the little boy gangsters, and they just kill themselves and their pals, so noone one else is involved... It did used to seem that it really could be anyone next, now it's just kids after the darwin award!"


And the majority of crimes are caused by youngsters - not all of them but alot of them.

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Wondered what was going on when I got home from football last night, couldn't get down Empire road not throuhg police blocks, but from young lads running up and down the road in large numbers. Half the teenage lads in the area were out on Empire Road near Sam's shop, some shouting down mobile phones, and sounded like some were shouting about cars and reference to going to "f****g kill him" (though "gonna kill him" has been used for aeons as a term for giving someone a slap, not always literally)

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I saw the police looking for something near there last night. I live near there and usually theres cars parked up all over the place full of youngish lads. Ill presume they are selling drugs. I make this assumption because they were nowhere to be seen last night while the police were about.

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Doesn't surprise me. Like many areas like these in Sheffield, they're turning into crap-hole slums.


Just because two guys rob £40 million and let off a few shots in a getaway doesn't mean New Bond Street in London is "turning into [a] crap-hole slum" and neither is Nether Edge

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