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Nether Edge Shooting (Sat 22nd Aug 09)

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What was the road like and what is Nether Edge like in general? I heard that the parts that border Sharrow are quite rough but the further towards Hunters Bar you get, the nicer Nether Edge gets - is that right?


Hunter's Bar is Sharrow, Nether Edge is more top of Sheldon road up to Brincliffe/Banner Cross and around the Cherry Tree hill area.


Hunter's Bar is Sharrow Vale ish, not Sharrow.


Nether Edge isn't that bad, in general, but yes the nearer Brincliffe/ HB you get the posher the houses and the quieter it is.


Empire Road, especially the end where I understand the shooting to have taken place is more Abbeydale, near the old Abbeydale Picture Palace.


You get pockets of "rough" in pretty much every area, though, and I'm sure that this will prove to be another isolated incident.

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Reported in the Star [ Internet, 24/08/09 ]. This time the ' incident ' was in S7.[Empire Road ] Bin'a lot of shooting in Sheffield recently. [ ' a shooting day keeps the tourists way ' ].

I suppse the police will issue a statement soon, saying, " Don 't worry, folks ! This was just a gang incident. It doesn 't mean that the general public are in danger. In any case, it 's much worse in Manchester & Jo 'burg. "

However, it did shake up a few people in the Empire Road area, who, now, probably duck and run if they hear a car back-firing. I suppose if the gunmen areall crack-shots and if they don 't shoot the wrong person, then people are pretty safe ?

Still, mind how you go !

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Still the same today - I lived bang in the middle of netheredge til about 7 years ago, when I left it was mostly students/graduates and a smattering of asian families - There seems to be more asian kids knocking about round there now??? Every now and again you hear tales of dealing ect, but I've only seen asian kids dealing round asline rd, not nether edge itself...


yes they are dealing around there as the bloke who got shot also lives there and also tends to deal drugs...

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yes they are dealing around there as the bloke who got shot also lives there and also tends to deal drugs...


Have to say I've not seen it in Nether Edge myself, I have known quite a few dealers in the edge, but they were all white grads selling a few smokes... I used to see Asian lads selling all sorts at the back of Virgin gym, but whenever you walk to the gym now you tend to see a copper, so they've moved on... Last time I saw asian lads selling in broad daylight they were at the back of the mosque, Asline Rd... It amazes me that if their 'community' was so strong, and if their elders were so respected (as is put to us via the media) then their kids wouldn't be dealing drugs in full view of others, in areas where the white population are quite left wing??? I had a incident with a group of asian children, little boys about 10 years old or so, abusing me one sunday morning in nether edge... When I called the police (it was quite extreme!) the woman manning the 999 line told me that they don't like to send the police in case it upsets the community - I told her that I was a member of the community too, and I was already upset! I don't expect the coppers to kick everyone who looks a bit brown, but I do expect them to deal with criminals and antisocial people of all races and creeds equally - They don't, and now nether edge is having the same issues that other parts of sheffield has...

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When I called the police (it was quite extreme!) the woman manning the 999 line told me that they don't like to send the police in case it upsets the community... but I do expect them to deal with criminals and antisocial people of all races and creeds equally


Absolutely spot on. And "we don't like to send the police in case it upsets the community" is a typically modern and disturbing response borne of the authorities increasing tendancy to put their perception of peoples (and often minority peoples) feelings above the law.


If an offence has been commited or is in progress, I don't give a ***** what the community or anybody else thinks, the police should be dispatched to deal with it.

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Absolutely spot on. And "we don't like to send the police in case it upsets the community" is a typically modern and disturbing response borne of the authorities increasing tendancy to put their perception of peoples (and often minority peoples) feelings above the law.


If an offence has been commited or is in progress, I don't give a flying <language toned down by PT> what the community or anybody else thinks, the police should be dispatched to deal with it.


Do you really think that the police would just say "Hey ho hum, we'll have a stroll along there later..." when a report of gunshots comes in?


Good grief, Rieckenbacker... (*slaps forehead* ) Are you really that hard of thinking? (can anyone be that hard of thinking?)


If there's a report of something like that, the police are there as soon as they can be deployed, putting themselves literally in the firing line for us, the public! (regardless of colour, or creed)

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