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Nether Edge Shooting (Sat 22nd Aug 09)

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Do you really think that the police would just say "Hey ho hum, we'll have a stroll along there later..." when a report of gunshots comes in?


Ladytalker wasn't talking about a gunshot incident.. I was responding to her post. You might want to read it.


Only a complete idiot would assume the police don't respond immediately to a gunshot incident. This is why I don't post so much on here, you have a assumed I'm a complete idiot because you haven't read (or understood) the post I was responding to.

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lady star................"white grads selling a smoke" is just harmless fun even though they are prob from privledged background and should know better. But if an asian does it, it offends you, give me a break.........pompus middle class hypocrite. drugs are drugs......the class of drug should be relevent, not the 'class' of the dealer.

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Dont want rain on your parade Happy,but arount the little roundabout on Empire,there have been young asians dealing class 'A' for a long time,just up the road towards Joshua there is a small community ,who may be an offshoot of the wahabi sect,and the local police do seem to tread very softly around them,when working up there recently a group of lads 10ish in age used to come and watch as kids do,one day a young woman was passing and to my surprise one of the boys made a remark,when challenged,he said 'Oh its all right,shes not muslim so hasnt got a soul' so unless my english translation is missing soething,how does tht tie in with baqara 62 ?

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lady star................"white grads selling a smoke" is just harmless fun even though they are prob from privledged background and should know better. But if an asian does it, it offends you, give me a break.........pompus middle class hypocrite. drugs are drugs......the class of drug should be relevent, not the 'class' of the dealer.


Nope, never said I was bothered either way by people selling a bit of weed!!! I don't think it makes you ard or a gangster however, and sadly some people do:suspect:


I do hope that you yourself are the 'pompous' (sorry, had to correct, does that make me middle class :hihi:) hypocrite, and not me??? Please read posts before slapping a judgement on others...

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Dont want rain on your parade Happy,but arount the little roundabout on Empire,there have been young asians dealing class 'A' for a long time,just up the road towards Joshua there is a small community ,who may be an offshoot of the wahabi sect,and the local police do seem to tread very softly around them,when working up there recently a group of lads 10ish in age used to come and watch as kids do,one day a young woman was passing and to my surprise one of the boys made a remark,when challenged,he said 'Oh its all right,shes not muslim so hasnt got a soul' so unless my english translation is missing soething,how does tht tie in with baqara 62 ?


The little kids round there need some proper discipline - White kids who behaved like this would be labled all sorts of low life and their famillies assumed to be weak and ineffectual... Yet we are told that asian families are stronger, the kids have more respect for their elders, etc... It just doesn't seem to pan out that way round here though???

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The little kids round there need some proper discipline - White kids who behaved like this would be labled all sorts of low life and their famillies assumed to be weak and ineffectual... Yet we are told that asian families are stronger, the kids have more respect for their elders, etc... It just doesn't seem to pan out that way round here though???


I have to agree, and I live very close to Empire Road and the mini roundabout etc. We can only go on what we see.

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In a similar incident i walked from Abbeydale Rd on my way to Hunters Bar and passed that way. The hawkish looks and sneers that i encountered along the way were quite intimidating and it felt as though i was trespassing somewhere.

One teenage lad was even with an elder that may have been his Grandad or similar.

I`m 6foot and 14stone so goodness knows how a girl would feel...

I lived on Wath Rd 30yrs ago and it was great, nice people and good sense of community.

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The little kids round there need some proper discipline - White kids who behaved like this would be labled all sorts of low life and their famillies assumed to be weak and ineffectual... Yet we are told that asian families are stronger, the kids have more respect for their elders, etc... It just doesn't seem to pan out that way round here though???


That theory has long been out the window.


They are as aware as we are that the police cant do anything to them, if they did we would have riots playing the race card. You're right, if it was some white chav with his baseball cap on the wrong way he'd have an ASBO now, but as they are Asian they are simply told to calm down (if the police come at all).

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That theory has long been out the window.


They are as aware as we are that the police cant do anything to them, if they did we would have riots playing the race card. You're right, if it was some white chav with his baseball cap on the wrong way he'd have an ASBO now, but as they are Asian they are simply told to calm down (if the police come at all).


Here we go...them and us..one rule for them one for us...Grow up! Look at someones actions instead of their colour. :rolleyes:

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Here we go...them and us..one rule for them one for us...Grow up! Look at someones actions instead of their colour. :rolleyes:


Well yes, that's exactly my point.


However, our authorities think differently it would seem.


If you read post 27 you will see another example of this. Its a perfectly believable story, mainly because its happened to me before. "We don't like to send officers round as it would upset the local community sir".


Would they have had the same response if it was some football fans who had got a little rowdy? No, it would be heavy handed tactics, helicopters and prison sentences.


The day when we ARE all treated the same based on actions instead of colour would be a fine day indeed, but we prefer "positive discrimination" these days instead of common sense.

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