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Nether Edge Shooting (Sat 22nd Aug 09)

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The knowledge of 'positive discrimination' and the resulting over cautious approach by not only the police but other authorities,does give a minority of asian youth a feeling of invunerability,which being youth they duly take advantage of,yes it is time for non discrimination,positive or otherwise,before the bigots on both sides take the law into their own hands and rest of us carry the can...................

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In a similar incident i walked from Abbeydale Rd on my way to Hunters Bar and passed that way. The hawkish looks and sneers that i encountered along the way were quite intimidating and it felt as though i was trespassing somewhere.

One teenage lad was even with an elder that may have been his Grandad or similar.

I`m 6foot and 14stone so goodness knows how a girl would feel...

I lived on Wath Rd 30yrs ago and it was great, nice people and good sense of community.


Well there may be something odd about you that attracts attention - or you could be imagining the "hawkish looks" and "sneers". Since I never notice such looks and sneers myself - each and every day..

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Well there may be something odd about you that attracts attention - or you could be imagining the "hawkish looks" and "sneers". Since I never notice such looks and sneers myself - each and every day..


I never thought of that, i`ll have to pack it in with the white hood and gown.

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The knowledge of 'positive discrimination' and the resulting over cautious approach by not only the police but other authorities,does give a minority of asian youth a feeling of invunerability,which being youth they duly take advantage of,yes it is time for non discrimination,positive or otherwise,before the bigots on both sides take the law into their own hands and rest of us carry the can...................

Stabbings and shootings in Sheffield are part and parcel of our Government enforced striving for multi-culturalism, It's the Government policy that we should embrace this, lets do that and give a hearty cheer each time some little scrote harms another little scrote.

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Odd-jobs has touched on a significant point:-I don 't think hardly anyone gives a brass farthing how many scrotes stab or kill each other. The world just carries on regardless. However the worrying factor is if, or when, the innocent public are directly or indirectly involved. This can happen with mistaken identity, a poor ' marksman ' or merely being upset by witnessing violence.

The violence doesn 't have to be widespread to be frightening. If you 're the mother of a small child or a frail pensioner, you are apt to be apprehensive in the extreme because ONE act of ' mild ' violence can kill a frail person or a child.......or at least scar them for life.

The lives of whole communities are being negatively affected by violence, menace and anti-social behavior. We have had decades now of ' Love Thy Neighbour ' Messages & Nannying from various governments. Doesn 't seem to have had much effect on the reality, does it ?

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Stabbings and shootings in Sheffield are part and parcel of our Government enforced striving for multi-culturalism, It's the Government policy that we should embrace this, lets do that and give a hearty cheer each time some little scrote harms another little scrote.


I've lived in Nether Edge for many years and it has been multi-cultural for a very long time without any trouble. Most of the trouble that has been going off in Nether Edge for years comes from the white ghetto that is the flats in Sharrow. There have been muggings, car thefts and burgalries by people living close to, but not IN Nether Edge. My friend even once had his car stolen from Kenwood Park Road in Nether Edge by a group of lads from the Manor, who drove home and then set fire to it (this was at the time when people would come from rough areas all over to steal cars in Nether Edge).


I don't think that it has anything to do with multi-culturalism, but more to do with the local authorities thinking it is a good idea to put the scrotes from all over Sheffield either in or around nicer areas. It doesn't work because the people (of whatever race) who come into the area do not respect it because they have not had to work hard to get there. A lot of places in or around Nether Edge rehouse people for different reasons, be it mental illness, abuse, being evicted, released from prison, being refugees... whatever.


There may be some South Asian youths in the area who are selling drugs and running about like they own the place, but you cross Sharrow Lane and it is white English youths who are doing the same. I walk past where the shooting was all the time, and i've never seen any trouble or drug dealing, to be honest. You get good and bad in all areas, and different types of crime. I think it is a refection on society in general, and no specific group.

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