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Red Deer is OPEN!!


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The problem is it's a bit of an old man's pub, old man meaning anyone over 23 in the West Street area. Are there enough people living locally to use it regularly?


I always considered it a place for Uni staff and the more discerning students. I've also met plenty of forummers there as it's central and easy to get to but away from the madness of West St.

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This is good news! The pub is great, though the dog smell got a bit much sometimes.


As long as the guest ales keep coming, and the fires are stoked for winter it's welcome news.


I wouldn't really class it as an old man's pub, just not a trendy bar. Sheffield desperately needs good old fashioned boozers around the centre, we made a mistake of losing loads over the years when the fashion was wine bars and the such. Other cities have kept theirs and they are still a big pull. There's apparently a growing upward trend for real ale at the moment and I welcome it!


I visit both types and think it's sad if we let the character pubs die down. If there's a way to keep interest up and keep people going to the 'locals in town' then we should encourage it.

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