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Tell you what then Dhimmi.....let's scrap Alcoholics Anonymous and all the other agencies that support recovering alcoholics.....and YOU set up an organisation based on your idea of how to help alcoholics based on your understanding of the problems people with alcohol addiction face on a daily basis.


After all I am certain that all those people who pray that they are blessed with an alcohol free day every day and struggle not to pick up would much prefer the type of support you could give them :|


thats it, ignore everything he said and go on a personal attack because he posted something that went against your ignorant beliefs. face up, you've made a fool of yourself on this thread, just back down and accept each case is different and dealt with differently and tarring all alcoholics with the same brush is ridiculous.

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thats it, ignore everything he said and go on a personal attack because he posted something that went against your ignorant beliefs. face up, you've made a fool of yourself on this thread, just back down and accept each case is different and dealt with differently and tarring all alcoholics with the same brush is ridiculous.


To be honest here I couldn't give a rats bottom about other alcoholics....I do care about my partner and those I have met because of his alcoholism....and I admire that these people (together with the professionals that my partner sees on a regular basis) recognise that to pick up means that they are destined to be a drunk for that day.


I really am not bothered.....if people want drink then drink.....I really don't care.

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I've never understood this concept. Given that moderate drinking is perfectly okay, why cannot an alcoholic reduce to moderate drinking and be happy with that? Why go all the way with this "I must resist temptation" philosophy. Surely, all you need to do is keep a sense of proportion!


I have a very good understanding of Alcoholism, both from personal experience and the experiences of lots of different people from all walks of life. Dhimmi by name dim by nature! You obviously don't have a clue about the difference between Alcoholism and Problem Drinking - so here's a link for you... ...




Perhaps this might help you to become educated in your subject before you open your mouth. :loopy: :loopy: :loopy: :loopy:



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thats it, ignore everything he said and go on a personal attack because he posted something that went against your ignorant beliefs. face up, you've made a fool of yourself on this thread, just back down and accept each case is different and dealt with differently and tarring all alcoholics with the same brush is ridiculous.


Seeing as "everything he said" comes from total ignorance of the problems faced on a daily basis by both "Real" Alcoholics and Problem Drinkers, then I think that was 'fair comment'! :loopy::loopy::loopy::loopy:



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To be honest here I couldn't give a rats bottom about other alcoholics....I do care about my partner and those I have met because of his alcoholism....and I admire that these people (together with the professionals that my partner sees on a regular basis) recognise that to pick up means that they are destined to be a drunk for that day.


I really am not bothered.....if people want drink then drink.....I really don't care.



I am very grateful to all the people who help me on a daily basis in my struggle with this crappy drug. Julado particularly has been there for me and put up with no end of brown stuff as a direct result of my consumption of this legal drug, I would like to both defend her and publicly thank her for ALL Her support and love.


Perhaps if other substances where more easily available, then lots of people in this country wouldn't have such major issues with Alcohol? :rant::suspect:



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I have a very good understanding of Alcoholism, both from personal experience and the experiences of lots of different people from all walks of life. Dhimmi by name dim by nature! You obviously don't have a clue about the difference between Alcoholism and Problem Drinking - so here's a link for you... ...




Perhaps this might help you to become educated in your subject before you open your mouth. :loopy: :loopy: :loopy: :loopy:



Thank you for the link. I have had a look as you suggested and found that I am completely correct:


What Is Alcoholism?

Alcoholism, also known as "alcohol dependence," is a disease that includes four symptoms:

  • Craving: A strong need, or compulsion, to drink.
  • Loss of control: The inability to limit one's drinking on any given occasion.
  • Physical dependence: Withdrawal symptoms, such as nausea, sweating, shakiness, and anxiety, occur when alcohol use is stopped after a period of heavy drinking.
  • Tolerance: The need to drink greater amounts of alcohol in order to "get high."

Well, that describes the two people I know perfectly! That's exactly how it was for them, and you will note that the official definition, if we are to take your link as such, says nothing about alcoholism being a permanent state! That's something you seem to have invented. It would appear to be a permanent for some people, including julado's husband, and I would not dispute that having never met the unfortunate so-and-so, but despite your personal experiences, your attempts to impute all who fulfil these criteria with an irrevocable disability discredits you both! (As indeed do your personal attacks, which are rather sad.)

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Thank you for the link. I have had a look as you suggested and found that I am completely correct:


What Is Alcoholism?

Alcoholism, also known as "alcohol dependence," is a disease that includes four symptoms:

  • Craving: A strong need, or compulsion, to drink.
  • Loss of control: The inability to limit one's drinking on any given occasion.
  • Physical dependence: Withdrawal symptoms, such as nausea, sweating, shakiness, and anxiety, occur when alcohol use is stopped after a period of heavy drinking.
  • Tolerance: The need to drink greater amounts of alcohol in order to "get high."

Well, that describes the two people I know perfectly! That's exactly how it was for them, and you will note that the official definition, if we are to take your link as such, says nothing about alcoholism being a permanent state! That's something you seem to have invented. It would appear to be a permanent for some people, including julado's husband, and I would not dispute that having never met the unfortunate so-and-so, but despite your personal experiences, your attempts to impute all who fulfil these criteria with an irrevocable disability discredits you both! (As indeed do your personal attacks, which are rather sad.)


As JoeP used to say.....you can't educate pork :roll:


And for the record I don't have a husband.....I have a partner....and that partner is mikeybaby72.....what part of that did you misunderstand :huh:

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