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Social group for non drinkers


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I am very grateful to all the people who help me on a daily basis in my struggle with this crappy drug. Julado particularly has been there for me and put up with no end of brown stuff as a direct result of my consumption of this legal drug, I would like to both defend her and publicly thank her for ALL Her support and love.


Perhaps if other substances where more easily available, then lots of people in this country wouldn't have such major issues with Alcohol? :rant::suspect:




Perhaps there should be organisations dedicated to understanding why people choose to seek oblivion with substances legal or otherwise. And then helping them to live life without trying to blot most of it out.

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Well said Medusa me old luv.There's a load I could say but won't until I've been on the wagon for a year.(next March)Meanwhile let's get back on topic.To the OP,yes I would love to participate in a non drinkers night out the next time I'm in Sheff, which should be in about a year's time.Good luck with your project.

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