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Niche is coming back to sheffield !! Brapp brapp!!


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Skinner, no one mentioned anything about Films/Movies.


Just pill heads who listen to tripe music. :gag:


That's also incorrect.


Many pill heads attended Gatecrasher, I went to Gatecrasher (minus the pills I may add) and never saw any trouble. It was the friendliest night at the Republic by a mile.


It's the mentality of the people who go to Niche that cause the problems. It's the baseball cap, tracksuit wearing tosspots that hang around the street corner intimidating old people that go there. Gatecrasher was nothing of the sort.

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Forgive me if I get this wrong, but is it not correct that the Niche DJs all play at Vibe now (and probably at Niche Leeds)? If so, then surely it's gonna be exactly the same but with a different name on the door/flyers? I don't get what the fuss is about, it seems to me it will be same DJs, same tunes, same punters.


If Plug reverted back the name .Zero, nobody would be wetting their pants (although granted the name change was for diff. reasons, I'm not comparing the two clubs).


If I've got that wrong, can someone more knowledgable explain what the difference between Vibe and Niche is and what the fuss is about?


exactly what I thought too.

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good god people. off the top of my head i can think of the dove and rainbow, casbah, ice bar, westways, embrace, forum, wig and pen, the shakespear, xsess, harley, static, donkeymans, etc that i go to at least once every three or so months depending on how i feel. i recognise that different people like different things so am glad when i feel one way i can go to a place that works for that mood. now if all of a sudden the powers that be decided casbah was too 'scummy' to stay open i'd be stuck for a place to go when in my rock out mood. if those people then went to westways the whole thing would just not be the same. we have, as a city, a good balance of everything, in a relatively small space which i think makes for a pretty vibrant place. no one group should say that group's whatever so all their places need burning or shutting. what if 'they', 'the others', decided that you were up your own behinds and needed your place shut? or their places shut and they all started coming to 'your' places? more fundamental is, how many of the people who have expressed such strong views about niche and the scum in it, ever actually set foot in it? i never did. still, if the police say the place can open, let it be. if you don't want to go to it. don't.

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good god people. off the top of my head i can think of the dove and rainbow, casbah, ice bar, westways, embrace, forum, wig and pen, the shakespear, xsess, harley, static, donkeymans, etc that i go to at least once every three or so months depending on how i feel. i recognise that different people like different things so am glad when i feel one way i can go to a place that works for that mood. now if all of a sudden the powers that be decided casbah was too 'scummy' to stay open i'd be stuck for a place to go when in my rock out mood. if those people then went to westways the whole thing would just not be the same. we have, as a city, a good balance of everything, in a relatively small space which i think makes for a pretty vibrant place. no one group should say that group's whatever so all their places need burning or shutting. what if 'they', 'the others', decided that you were up your own behinds and needed your place shut? or their places shut and they all started coming to 'your' places? more fundamental is, how many of the people who have expressed such strong views about niche and the scum in it, ever actually set foot in it? i never did. still, if the police say the place can open, let it be. if you don't want to go to it. don't.


Thats a very good statement and I agree with most of it.......

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yo yo yo! when we openas niche sheffield we will have one room dedicated to upfront 4x4 and bassline and room2 dedicated to NICHE CLASSICS...even the decor will be reminicant(typo) of sydney street..


so basically this is just vibe renamed? :hihi:



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