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Can anyone help me locate a photograph of my mother, please?

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Hi PT. I've been having a think where you might have seen the picture. Do you ever look at local postcards on Ebay? I remember a few months ago seeing one or two of floods in Sheffield. Any chance the picture you're looking for was one of them, in which case there's a good chance Local Studies Library might have a copy.

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It is just possible that the picture is still in your internet explorer file cache. The older entries here get overwritten by recent entries when it reaches its defined size but it might be worth a look.


This is usually in a folder called "Temporary Internet Files" which might be in Documents and Settings \ <windows user name> \ local settings.


Find this folder in windows explorer. One of the columns is "last accessed". Click on this heading to get the files in this order. See if there are any entries old enough to possibly include your photograph.


I would expect your picture to have a file type of .jpg ( or less likely to be .gif). If you open these files you can see what is in them. The internet address column will tell you the web site.

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Plain Talker


Could this be by any chance what you are looking for. Sorry for the terrible quality. The original photo was taken in August 1954, Surbiton Street, Carbrook.


Heres hoping.




Tried to clean the image up, not much better I Know but a little clearer:


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Is it worth having a rifle through the rest of the files on your PC PT? I couldn't find something again recently, and couldn't remember when I'd stumbled across it, but trawling through my college PC files jogged my memory as to what I was searching for and when that was. I was then able to use 'history' to pin it down :thumbsup:


Edit: http://www.hedgerow.co.uk/images.php?

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