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CAFCASS do you love or hate them

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thank the lord I have no involvement in this organisation. never had to get involved when split with my ex and arrange child access etc. mind you thats cos I put my child first and didnt take the split out on the child and use him as weapon in the split.


if you keep your head and are civil and put the need of the child first and their preferences then they cafcass not needed to be involved. it can be done, it has been done, by very many people. and it will carry on to be done in the future. altho not by everyone.

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Sometimes they are needed, for instance i had to get them involved when my ex said he was not going to return my daughter one day for silly reasons. How could i trust my daughter would come back the weekend after.

I found them to be quite fair on both sides.

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thank the lord I have no involvement in this organisation. never had to get involved when split with my ex and arrange child access etc. mind you thats cos I put my child first and didnt take the split out on the child and use him as weapon in the split.



It is only partly because you were sensible and reasonable. It is equally as much because your partner was sensible and reasonable.


Not everyone is so lucky. My uncle, having just been informed by his sweet, lovable wife of whom nobody has ever had a bad word to say, that she wants to leave him, has suddenly found that she's sending all her relatives down to strip out the house of all their joint belongings, that she intends to force him to sell and give half the proceeds to her, and that her lump-sum savings, which she has accrued precisely because he was paying the mortgage, she has transferred into her dad's name so they can't be counted as joint assets in the divorce case.


Thankfully there are no children involved, but in cases where one partner is being reasonable and the other is being vindictive, a body like CAFCASS is a depressing necessity.

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thank the lord I have no involvement in this organisation. never had to get involved when split with my ex and arrange child access etc. mind you thats cos I put my child first and didnt take the split out on the child and use him as weapon in the split.


if you keep your head and are civil and put the need of the child first and their preferences then they cafcass not needed to be involved. it can be done, it has been done, by very many people. and it will carry on to be done in the future. altho not by everyone.

but the court decides if they get to interfere or not,after the court welfare service have had their bit of course
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