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CAFCASS do you love or hate them

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Just had a dealing with them today. LIVID at the sheer imcompetence. Have filed a formal complaint. Considering they knew they were attending Court with me and my ex today over a couple of points following the Court granting me sole residence of my child, they only called me on Friday night, and didn't even speak to my ex. Got in to Court, judge threw it out immediately, and basically said that CAFCASS were a waster of space, and has scheduled a hearing whereupon he will make a ruling following submission of statements from me and my ex. Had a brief chat with the ex and the CAFCASS Officer to try to settle outstanding two issues, and she was totally biased in favour of the father basically to 'keep things simple and comply with how other families do it'. Needless to say, me and said CAFCASS Officer had a very big falling out. She accused me of being defensive. I asked her if she had bothered to research my history, knew anything about me or my ex, or what my son wanted, to which she obviously replied 'no'. Then it all kind of kicked off. Total incompetence. Disgraceful service they offer. The last person they think of is the child. They just try to follow some standard protocol. Vile!

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Just had a dealing with them today. LIVID at the sheer imcompetence. Have filed a formal complaint. Considering they knew they were attending Court with me and my ex today over a couple of points following the Court granting me sole residence of my child, they only called me on Friday night, and didn't even speak to my ex. Got in to Court, judge threw it out immediately, and basically said that CAFCASS were a waster of space, and has scheduled a hearing whereupon he will make a ruling following submission of statements from me and my ex. Had a brief chat with the ex and the CAFCASS Officer to try to settle outstanding two issues, and she was totally biased in favour of the father basically to 'keep things simple and comply with how other families do it'. Needless to say, me and said CAFCASS Officer had a very big falling out. She accused me of being defensive. I asked her if she had bothered to research my history, knew anything about me or my ex, or what my son wanted, to which she obviously replied 'no'. Then it all kind of kicked off. Total incompetence. Disgraceful service they offer. The last person they think of is the child. They just try to follow some standard protocol. Vile!


complaints work follow it through. the whole of cafcass is falling apart.

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Don't worry already have. She had already made up her mind before she met us what protocol she wanted us to follow. It just so happened that it coincided with what my ex believed. Then, because I was not being 'flexible', ie not changing my mind to be in agreement with him, she decided to side with him completely. She even said that I was being too strict about the Court Orders, and that I could show a little flexibility in those. She have NO idea as to why I sought Court Orders in the first place. I just could not believe what I was hearing! Have sent very strong, and very long letters to CAFCASS here, and in London Head Office. Who else can I report her to? How can anyone justify knowing what is best for my son when they know nothing about my family? Makes me sick!

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I used to work in their contact centre many moons ago and left because I was appalled at the management and state of service. To be fair in those days their were some good court reporters but the bureaucracy wore them down. I must say the bias then was towards the mother but a full report should have been done first and the Cafcass Officer should be aware of all the issues. Each case should be taken individually, as you say, not on preconceived ideas. It sounds like the bias has just gone the opposite way.

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I cant speak highly enough of my cafcass officer.

I was obstructed from seeing my daughter for 18 months,by a set of serious allegations that took a further 2 years to disprove in court.

Just as it looked as though id NEVER see her again,i had a private meeting in her office,and she told me that,shed do ALL in her power to get me acsess.She fought tirelessley in my case,which was a quite bizare case,but true to her word,she re united us,and i still see my daughter today.

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My only saving grace is that CAFCASS have been ordered to stay out of this particular case, so at least won't be hearing from her again. Absolutely disgraceful third rate service. She had written a report to present to the judge and all this it contained was the fact that 'last year my ex had phone social services to advise them to say that he had found a vibrator under my bed, and that I had been involved with a 'separated' man briefly, and that he deemed me not in a suitable position to be looking after our son'. THAT was her report!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing mentioned about the fact that he went through my house without permission, tried to choke me three times, had to be warned to stay away from me by the police due to his abusiveness and harassment. Anyway, the head office should receive the formal complaint tomorrow. Do you know she even had the gall to say to me that because I am SINGLE, I must be very unhappy, and therefore might not be a very good mother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She just kept digging holes for herself. Shame she did it with me. She certainly chose the wrong woman to annoy!!!!!!!!

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