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Welcome to the Socialist Republic of South Yorkshire

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Am banking on you lot for some help in finding a photo of one of the road signs bearing the immortal words, 'WELCOME TO THE SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF SOUTH YORKSHIRE'. Seem to think the might also have had, 'nuclear free zone' on them aswell and were situated on many major entrance routes to the city.


I've scoured sheffieldpicture for one but no luck so any suggestions would be appreciated.


Thanks everyone in anticipation.

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Did they really have signs 'Welcome To The Socialist Republic Of South Yorkshire?? (lol), I don't ever remember them, if they did, I too would love to find a pic of one to send to friends.


So, come on you people help out here please.

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I think that's something of an urban myth.


The signs definitely said "welcome to South Yorkshire"


There were signs saying "nuclear-free zone", but no, there were none that actually said "Soc' republic" (unless someone graffittized the signs)


I wonder if there was a "mock-up" sign made, just for the photos?



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I was that graffiti artist. Well, on a couple of signs anyway. We were creating paradise. Cheap bus fares and all that. Shame that it was ripped away from us. Who knows how good (or bad) things might have turned out.

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I thought it couldn't be true about the signs, what a pity though they would have made national news and been a good laugh.


Does anyone remember the daffodils the men on Community Service planted in Brinsworth, Rotherham a few years back? ... when they came up in the spring they were planted in such a way that they spelt dirty words about the establishment, it was really funny but the miserable Rotherham Council had them hastily removed before the national press could get down to take photographs ... it would have finally put us on the map for once and was hilarious.

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Originally posted by Billy24

I thought it couldn't be true about the signs, what a pity though they would have made national news and been a good laugh.


But it was true. We (me and some other others) made some minor alterations to road signs.

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Big up 2 you superCol. I don't suppose you've got any photos at all. Started to think my husband may have been mistaken with a case of wishful thinking. I ought to have known he wouldn't have misread. There must be a record of these somewhere, perhaps police evidence files. Are these available do you know?

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When the new Mosborough estates were being built around Crystal Peaks in the early 80's, some of the road signs were printed in Russian as well as English. (that is true)


A joke went round saying that they were there so the russian tanks would know the way to the town hall.


This may have helped perpertrate the myth

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Originally posted by docmel

some of the road signs were printed in Russian as well as English. (that is true)



there was and still is one.

Donetsk Way (between Hackenthorpe and Moss Way) is named after Sheffield's Twin City in the Ukraine and still has the second name plate with Cyrillic script in place.

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