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Welcome to the Socialist Republic of South Yorkshire

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I recall, with some humour, the Nuclear Free Zone signs one of which was placed at the Yorkshire, Derbyshire border just beyond Hollow Meadows on the A57 (Glossop Road).


I had this image of, if there was a nuclear bomb dropped on Manchester (well, I'm sure such thoughts are quite natural aren't they?) then would the fall out stop at the edges of this very sign, like some curtain? I'd be stood there thinking, 'Well, better not venture to the Ladybower Inn then, but I'm safe stood here in this Nuclear Free Zone!'


I'd probably feel quite smug in the knowledge that I'm alive due to South Yorkshire being a NFZ whilst the cast of Coronation Street are inhaling fall-out whilst trying to learn their lines.


It has to be said that IMO, the city council of the day was very socialist and that nobody bought their local m.p. a copy of James Herbert's Domain.


Sorry mate, but a nuclear bomb dropping on Manchester would never have been possible. We had signs up throughout the city, telling everyone that we too were ‘a nuclear free zone’ I was greatly comforted by them!

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