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Bring back the 70s sheffield


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Are you quite mad? I can't believe anyone would ever hark back and say the 30s were better. For a start, there was a worldwide Great Depression preceded by a World War and followed by a World War!


I'd say that probably the later 1950s, 60s and 70s were the best eras that anyone has ever lived through in the history of the world, especially for ordinary working people. They were a halcyon period.


You don't think they were just your own halcyon period? We all hanker back to the time when we were younger and carefree, but exactly which decades in history were the best we will never know.


There's periods in history that I would like to have been born in, but then I remember that antibiotics hadn't been invented then. I wouldn't want to have lived in one of those times when a simple infection could have resulted in death or disability.

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The buzz of the castle and sheaf markets on a saturday morning :)

Lindas Kinky Corner, just outside shaeaf market :cool:

Harringtons and climbing the ladder to the changing rooms:help:


Crazy Daisy on a Saturday afternoon... :headbang:oooh memories

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oh! the 70s..

weekly wage of £9

tank tops

glam rock

top rank

beer about 10p a pint

football terraces

good boozers

crazy daizy

punk rock

cheap bus fares

the list is endless


If you were only on £9 a week for a full time job you were being robbed. In 1974 I had a Saturday job on the market for £5 a day. My first take home pay in 1976 was £25 a week. I think that was before equal opps so lads were getting more than me.


Cheap bus fares and cheap food were great. On a Saturday I had put aside 50p for bus fares to work, my dinner, a packet of crisps and a bottle of pop (dandelion and burdock was my favourite) to take babysitting. I'd get £1 a night babysitting as well.


I think that in 1974 the family allowance for £6 a week for the second child. I don't think there was anything for the first child. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong on that. Whilst I was at college my mum gave me her family allowance book (not that I ever forged her signature of course) and that was my allowance. Thank goodness for free bus passes for students.


I remember in '75 or '76 the price of a packet of cigs went up from 45p to 50p for 20.

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If you were only on £9 a week for a full time job you were being robbed. In 1974 I had a Saturday job on the market for £5 a day. My first take home pay in 1976 was £25 a week. I think that was before equal opps so lads were getting more than me.


Cheap bus fares and cheap food were great. On a Saturday I had put aside 50p for bus fares to work, my dinner, a packet of crisps and a bottle of pop (dandelion and burdock was my favourite) to take babysitting. I'd get £1 a night babysitting as well.


I think that in 1974 the family allowance for £6 a week for the second child. I don't think there was anything for the first child. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong on that. Whilst I was at college my mum gave me her family allowance book (not that I ever forged her signature of course) and that was my allowance. Thank goodness for free bus passes for students.


I remember in '75 or '76 the price of a packet of cigs went up from 45p to 50p for 20.


Hi, the Family Allowance was not paid for the first child until around the late seventies, I remember my mother commenting that they brought the payment for the first child in almost too late for us to benefit from it. (she received it for my two sisters, but not for me, prior to that) I think I was about 14 or 15 when that happened.


The family allowance was only three pounds seventy-five per child, or thereabouts, back in 1985/6. I remember that we got about £7.50 on the bank holiday, double-payment week, for the laddo.

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Hi, the Family Allowance was not paid for the first child until around the late seventies, I remember my mother commenting that they brought the payment for the first child in almost too late for us to benefit from it. (she received it for my two sisters, but not for me, prior to that) I think I was about 14 or 15 when that happened.


The family allowance was only three pounds seventy-five per child, or thereabouts, back in 1985/6. I remember that we got about £7.50 on the bank holiday, double-payment week, for the laddo.


Thanks for this Plain Talker.


It's not that important but I wonder any forummers can tell me if in 1974 family allowance could have been £1.50 a week? I remember having 50p for bus fares etc on Saturdays and £6 for college but maybe that could have been my Saturday job money and the family allowance together.

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