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Bring back the 70s sheffield


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Thanks for this Plain Talker.


It's not that important but I wonder any forummers can tell me if in 1974 family allowance could have been £1.50 a week? I remember having 50p for bus fares etc on Saturdays and £6 for college but maybe that could have been my Saturday job money and the family allowance together.


I know it was that amount (£3.75), because I remember cashing the money, the Monday before August bank holiday, 1986, and I filled our freezer up, because Mr PT was not working at that time. Our Giro was due on the Saturday before the bank holiday, and I knew, from bitter experience, that there was a strong likelihood that it would not arrive, and we'd be stranded, with nothing in for the kids to eat until the Tuesday, had I not stocked up.

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I know it was that amount (£3.75), because I remember cashing the money, the Monday before August bank holiday, 1986, and I filled our freezer up, because Mr PT was not working at that time. Our Giro was due on the Saturday before the bank holiday, and I knew, from bitter experience, that there was a strong likelihood that it would not arrive, and we'd be stranded, with nothing in for the kids to eat until the Tuesday, had I not stocked up.


Hi Plain Talker. Thanks again. You wrote that the FA was £3.75 in 1986. If you check my post you will see that I am wondering what it was in 1974 (12 years earlier). I am sure that FA wasn't £3.75 in 1974 as 12 years would have been a long time to go without it being raised.

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Thanks for that! Not lived there for 34 years and couldn't for the life of me think of the name. Is it still there?


Sadly, not.


TK Maxx moved into Orchard Square, and with the recent development, they have expanded into the "stone House" premises, and the whole fabulous courtyard with the painted sky etc is now gone :(

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  • 1 year later...

There was something different about most places back in the 1970's. Sometimes we look back through rose tinted specs and life was simpler for most, as we were carefree kids. But I have to say, as mentioned on this thread already, I don't yearn for the early 2000's or even early 1990's, more so the early 1980's and 1970's...


I loved Sheffield in the 1970's with the Hole In The Road, big city centre shops and their gorgeous window displays especially at Christmas and of course, the city's Christmas Lights.


People seemed more caring and would help you if struggling with shopping or just lost. The bus would wait as you ran to catch it, rather than shut it's doors and drive off. We had joy out of simple things in life - and food tasted like food - not as most of the stuff does today - mass produced, tasteless crap. And while people could swear even back then, the foul language heard every two min's, anywhere you go, just didn't happen the way it does now...


Don't get me wrong, there are parts of the past decades I would never want to go back to - medical breakthroughs today are helping so many people as never known before. But vast areas of important inferstructure seem to be missing now and important everyday services go wrong very frequently, with the end user left fighting through a hopeless barrage of call centres or websites as a so called helpful solution to their peril.

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My mother reckons that despite the war, the 1940's were the best.


My grandad used to rate 1915 to 1930 as the best times, once again despite the war and the hard times.


I reckon that the 1960's and 1970's were the best, probably for the same reason as my mother and my grandad.


We enjoyed the times when we were young, if that ever stops then god help humanity, it's not bloody rocket science. :huh:

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spot on crookesey. It's all about nostalgia...looking back to a time when you had little or no responsibility, ie your childhood. I grew up in the 80's in Sheffield & i've many, many fond memories of it, but pollitically it was a shocking decade. Cold War, nuclear proliferation, recession, mass unemployment, the Thatcher years & the miner's strike which (on it's own)changed the social & political landscape of this country for ever. There's some serious pairs of the ol' rose tinted being looked through on this thread....maybe that's the point though! The big difference these days seems to be an all pervading lack of respect & simmering aggression...

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