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Cafe/bar in Kelham Island


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If this application is for Cornwall Works, is it that glass fronted bit on the corner, left of the entrance to the building? I guess if it is, it could be quite ideal as it has that fish bowl effect that coffee places have these days... good location it has to be said.

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I would visit - a good idea. I live down the road at the Riverside Exchange, so would prefer it in the empty unit below Coode (not just residents as customers, but the hundreds of Irwin Mitchell and Home Office staff as well), but anywhere close by would be good.

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I tried to link the results of my search for the planning app reference number, but the hyperlink doesn't seem to work, so I'll try again. Otherwise you have to do a manual address search :( boo

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It's funny, because I have seen two planning applications and heard two rumours about 4 different cafes opening in Kelham Island, one at Kelham Mills, two at Riverside, and one at Cornwall Works. I'm not sure how 4 cafes will fair against one another.


Yes, Cornwall Works used to be Parkins, but I thought Parkins used to own more works units up Daisy Spring way back in the day. Not old enough to know though...


Daisy Spring Works used to be Mitchells Packaging.

Parkins only owned Cornwall works.

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