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Alcohol should be banned

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None of which is a good reason not to ban it, since we already ban many drugs which exactly the same applies to.


I'm expecting plenty of replies like yours, Mel & HN's.


But I want to see if anyone can actually defend alcohol as being legal if we take the fact that pesticides, drugs and food additives are banned as a reasonable measurement of standards for legality.


Yes it should be. My example of the heroin situuation is just one reason. Think about it' if you made it illegal there'd be massive civil unrest, much worse than the problems you'd seek to solve by banning it.

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why not turn it on its head and when an idiot gets caught misbehaving why not ban THEM from drinking / buying it, so the rest of us can drink it in peace?


I think you'll find the government are planning to do just that Mel, but personally i think it's a bit much trying to ban someone from drinking - what about freedom of chioce? I think that there are enough laws around already to deal with problem drinkers.

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I think you'll find the government are planning to do just that Mel, but personally i think it's a bit much trying to ban someone from drinking - what about freedom of chioce? I think that there are enough laws around already to deal with problem drinkers.

idiots dont deserve freedom of choice, im an anarchist ...total freedom, but when the freedom interferes with anbody elses freedom / life then i shall remove it

its not about chaos.........its about a better world

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I think you'll find the government are planning to do just that Mel, but personally i think it's a bit much trying to ban someone from drinking - what about freedom of chioce? I think that there are enough laws around already to deal with problem drinkers.



Are the laws having effect? No use swamping us with laws unless they come up with the goods. We're very good at creating a law to curb a particular offence but crap at tackling the underlying root cause of that offence.


Have to say though..that really would take some political balls.

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Alcohol is not the problem, it's the people who drink it irresponsibly.


Automatic weapons are not a problem, it's the people who use them irresponsibly.


We ban things to prevent their irresponsible use already - why should alcohol be a special case?


what about the taxes on Alcohol and Tabacco, all other taxes would go through the roof. How would you like that to happen.


Alcohol taxes only make up around 5% of the total tax take annually. How does that compare to all those deaths, diseases and the wider social costs (which are between 1% to 3% of GDP) associated with alcohol?


I bet there would be a net gain from banning it.

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We ban things to prevent their irresponsible use already - why should alcohol be a special case?


Because the massive social problems arising from a ban would be far worse than the problems we have crrently. Isn't that a good enough reason?

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