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Alcohol should be banned

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Is anyone able to give me a convincing argument against the need for a ban of alcoholic beverages?


Teenagers in the UK are more likely than any others to get drunk (Source)which has an established link to our record levels of teenage pregnancy (Source)


Almost 10,000 deaths each year are as a direct result of alcohol, with many more where it's a factor (Source). There are around 15,000 new cases of alcohol related liver disease every year (Source) and it's blamed for many other illnesses, including a recent rise in oral cancers (Source)


Crime levels linked to alcohol are huge, with around 1 million violent assaults each year by people under the influence (Source). One in Six road deaths are due to drunk driving, with over 100,000 drivers per year guilty of this offence (Source).


Throw in the link between unemployment and alcohol (Source) and there's not much to defend it.


There are food additives or pesticides banned because of the most remote links to various illnesses, and there are plenty of other previously legal recreational substances which have later been banned, so who can convince me that there are good reasons not to ban alcohol?


I've split this post, because I think in a way, you are using differing reasons /or arguments.


The second; if a product became available on the market today that was almost the equivalent of alcohol, it probably would be banned quite quickly, or even not licensed at all most probably. I would agree with that. (edit: agreeing that they would do it, not that I would necessarily endorse it)


Removing alcohol now has been answered enough already, so no need to add anymore to it.

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I can only give you the same good reasons for not banning alcohol, which apply equally to revoking the bans on all the other drugs: most of which have to do with the fact that imposing a ban does not work. The USA found that out the hard way in the 1920s, and yet their politicians are still fool enough to try and make it work with heroin and cocaine. It doesn't, and it won't.


This one of the most stupid and dumb reason I have ever come across. This means the spread of disease or un-ethical activities should not be limited as it "may not help". Why not legalize rape?

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This one of the most stupid and dumb reason I have ever come across. This means the spread of disease or un-ethical activities should not be limited as it "may not help". Why not legalize rape?


It'd be nice to think that you were bright enough to answer that for yourself......

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This one of the most stupid and dumb reason I have ever come across. This means the spread of disease or un-ethical activities should not be limited as it "may not help". Why not legalize rape?


Why is it a 'dumb' reason? If alcohol were made illegal you'd instantly criminalise about two thirds of the adult population and hand a multi-million pound industry straight into the arms of criminal gangs.


If you think that's a good idea I respectfully suggest that you would be the dumb one.

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How about the millions of people who regularly enjoy a drink over the weekend, pouring hundreds of millions if not billions into the economy?


Take Sheffield for example, if you ban alcohol most of the bars will immediately go out of business. Replicate this across the country and you certainly aren't helping the economy.


The vast majority of people enjoy it for social reasons, why should the idiots who get into trouble ban it for everyone else?

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I dont agree with that. I do agree with chem1st, that the age limit should be abolished altogether, let kids know their alcoholic limits before they reach on age where they can do serious damage. The French do it, and they hardly have any crimes brought on by alcohol, and that's because children as young as 5 are allowed to drink in France, and learn their limits.


Teenagers in britain drink (13-18 year olds) because it is illegal for them to do so, the fact they do it to extent is because they have a rebellious attitude which they need to fulfil. Make it legal, and they will no longer have the rebellious attitude which they feel they need to fulfil. SAME WITH DRUG'S, and the age limit for tobacco.


*walks off*

I'll go now, I've had my say.




well that's a smart idea let's have our kid's snorting coke and injecting themselve's when they are 10 that would really help us all would'nt it.

so when the police are knocking on your door to tell you your child has been killed either through drug's or drink ... do you still think it would be a good idea to abolish our law's on these problem's .

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Portugal has legalised drugs and the results are interesting - they claim that there has been an overall lowering in the number of people who take drugs, and "more responsible" usage by those that do take drugs


what drug have they legalised ???

i would'nt imagine they have legalised ecstasy/heroine or ketamine !

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