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Alcohol should be banned

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Is anyone able to give me a convincing argument against the need for a ban of alcoholic beverages?


yeah, how long have you got? Here's 6 to begin with.


1) Banning a substance never decreased its usage significantly

2) A person is sovereign over at the very least their own mind and body.

3) Alcohol in moderation is a suitable drug for the masses in mind numbing jobs and prevents mass suicidal depression.

4) Alcohol makes watching TV slightly less of an ordeal, and thus safeguards hundreds of thousands of 'workers' in the TV industry

5) Alcohol earns tons of money for the exchequer

6) Alcohol keeps the population topped up, without it, there'd be many fewer babies.

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Many reasons. A big one being the way people behave after drinking.


But I'm aware it would never work as the stuff is too popular to be willingly given up by most people.


Almost everyone I know who drink alcohol behave quite well after drinking.


I've worked in pubs/clubs for years. One of which held thousands of people. There were a few people that caused trouble after drinking, but in comparison to how many people were in there, and how many nights that I worked, the number of idiots was minimal. Most people enjoyed themselves.

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