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The Pamona rock bar


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Hey folks,


My bands playing at The Pamona tomorrow night, but we'd never even heard of it nevermind been there...


Just wondering if anyone could gimme a bit of a heads up on what the place is like, does it get busy, is it expensive etc etc




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Do you mean the Pomona at the junction of Ecclesall Road and Summerfield Street? Didn't know it had been rebranded a rock bar, but then I've not been there for a bit.

Does it get busy: used to

Is it expensive: didn't used to be

It's quite a big pub, with a few pool tables. Has the bustling atmosphere of a student bar.

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We got the gig through a friend, his band played there a while ago and they're on again Tomorrow with us.


He said it's a rock bar, but in all fairness he is a little clueless lol.


And yeah, it is on Ecclesall Road, we don't even know how to get there yet.

Is it walking distance from the bus station?



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they tend to put (rockish) local bands on every friday, some of them quite good. i think its makes for a nice venue, if you like the band you can sit close to the stage, if you dont like the band you can sit at the back and have a nice chat with friends, without feeling like your being rude to the band.

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