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Why do old people wear beige clothes?

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Something I have noticed over the years is that old people tend to only wear clothes of a certain colour, mainly beige. I have seen this lots, especially with the men, but can't work out why. Is that shade of brown seen as fashionable in the oap circles? Or is it, brown is a good shade to cover those accidents that come with old age?


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Something I have noticed over the years is that old people tend to only wear clothes of a certain colour, mainly beige. I have seen this lots, especially with the men, but can't work out why. Is that shade of brown seen as fashionable in the oap circles? Or is it, brown is a good shade to cover those accidents that come with old age?


Fill me in... I want to know.


You are colour blind my orange friend.

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Well, from an evolutionary standpoint, younger people tend to dress more brightly than older people because they need to make themselves as visible and attractive as possible to attract mates (this is also why women tend to dress brighter - they are more choosy than men because they need to find a suitable father with good genes); the elderly, on the other hand, are not generally reproductively active and for various reasons don't need to find a life partner - thus they can afford to dress in drab colours.


(CAUTION: Above explanation is for novelty purposes only. Use in rarified scientific circles is entirely at the users own risk and may result in severe ridicule and accusations of navel-gazing).

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And even in the middle of summer they wear about 5 layers of clothing


That's not even a heat issue. My granddad wears his thick blazer in summer and he's sweating. I suggest he doesn't wear it, he's all 'no, no, got to wear it when I go out' :confused:


I think it's a formality thing.

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