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Lindsay Road Junior & infants school

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On 24/04/2018 at 14:57, lovelace said:

Hi, anybody from this prefab school on Parson Cross? I went there from about 1956 until taking the 11-plus in 1961.

Teachers I remember are Miss Bassett, Mrs. Tunstall, Mr.Crossley, Mr.Stables, Mr. Spencer, Mrs. Wright, Miss Nesbitt, Miss Smith, Mrs. Cheesewright.

Pupils' names I remember are Suzanne Marriott, Linda Bellard, Marian Deakin, Christine Pyle, June Pitts, Janet Hobson, Glynis Warrington, Alexandra Hawley, Susan Lucazewsky, Pauline Turner, Janet Hartley, Carol Crookes, Philip Revill, Warren Lewis, Robert Highton, Michael Pagden, the Tuffnells, Sylvia ? Commander, William Daff, Roland Hartle, Rodney Saxton, Edmund/Edwin somebody, Peter Varley, Maureen Sharland, Betty Marriott, ......

I was in Mr Stables class at that time and I remember almost all the above names ...however I must admit to being slightly miffed that no one mentioned MY name.

I was sat next to Janet Hobson ...any guesses?.

No..? Thought not....my name was Brian Cowling.








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I attended Lindsay Road school from 1949 (nursery then Junior) until third year when we moved to Basegreen. I lived just over the road at number 21 and used to wait until the bell was ringing and then run over. I was a chubby lad and suffered a little bit from bullying - initially. Some unkind boys used to come up behind me and thump me in the back. I used to give chase, but they outran me.  I was patient though and waited my opportunity to corner the perpetrators (boy I didn't know that word when I was five)  and give them a good hiding. The bullying stopped, but one foolish lad told his dad that I had beaten him up. This conscientious father came to school and complained. I was summoned before the head, as was my dad. i remember at the meeting Dad made it quite clear who the real offenders were and said that if they did not like my sorting it out as I had done, he would be happy to arrange a sorting out with the offenders'fathers himself. No takers was the reply. Good old Dad!!!  If  any of you out there remember this and were the offenders, I forgive you all.

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Didn't go to Lindsay, but recognise lots of names. The Sylvia mentioned,  would that be Sylvia Cousins? Lived almost opposite the bus stop. Linda Softly went to live on Miles Road ,Shirecliffe. Linda went to High Storrs  Sylvia to Hinde House and was in the same year as Janet Luttrell, Ann Gee. Pete and Stuart Varley played cricket briefly for Shiregreen Congs. The two girls(ladies) mentioned were in the guides at Christ the King at the end of Deerlands, and I think Linda had an older sister Cath.

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Cross lad ........ Only just seen your post.    Sylvia Cousins is still a good friend,  as is Jillian Corbidge.        Jill lives in Leicester now.       My sister Cath is married to Dave Sorsby   ( everybody knows Big Dave ).       Being in the Girl Guides did us a lot of good even though it's not cool these days.

Did you live at the top of Deerlands before Adlington Road ?        People I remember are Tony Fontana,  John Barr,  the Fowlers,   Paul Moorhouse,  Terry Codling,   John Cosgrove,   the Deakins,   McGowans,   Bonsalls    and many others.

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