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Eyesight test on my driving test..

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Im thinking of booking my practical test and wasnt so sure if i could read a number plate from the required distance, so i did a test on a family members car in a car park and measured it correctly, i realised i couldnt really see the number plate properly when looking normally but when i focused my eyes then the blurriness dissapeared and i could read it clearly without any problem, so i was just wondering when i do the actual test does the examiner actually watch me when i have to read the number plate out? because if they see me using my focus technique then they will realise i cant actually read the number plate from that distance and might fail me.

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The eyesight test should have been one of the first things your driving instructor did with you on your first lesson.


I think you've left it a bit late if you're not sure you can read a number plate! You shouldn't be driving without glasses if you can't.


Go and book an eye test

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they actually tend to start further away than is required and work there way in to the distance. if you cant read it further away the examiner will probably watch you very closely.


i would just get some galsses sorted, its not worth the hastle or money if you turn up on the day and you cant read the number plate, as thats £115 down the drain as there are no reffunds. glasses are cheaper.


and besides as has allready been said, if you cant see properly you shouldnt be on the road. and your instructer should have tested you on the first lesten, mie did.

also it is a criminal offence to know that you are driving with eyesite problems and to do nothing about it.

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my previous instructor did test me on the first day, not the current one and i read it out correctly, i wasnt really sure though if it was actually the right distance because he must have just done an estimate, how much further back do they check you then?

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The required distance is 20.5 metres (67 feet). They will estimate this in the first instance (remember they do this 7 times a day, 5 days a week so are very good at it). They will xo the same again on the second attempt and if that fails, they will measure it out exactly.


Fail 3 times and that's it - you won't even get anywhere near your car.

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