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Motor car - do you remember your first one?

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Mine was a lovely Bug that I called 'Bertie' ... hense the name ... who was registered exactly one year after I was born.


He ( yes he, he moaned too much to be a women) had open heart surgery for a new engine and was never the same. I still see him when I go home but he has changed colour from kit kat red to black but the chrome and wella wheels are still the same.


Now after all these years I am still in love with Bugs ( I believe they get into your system) and want one next as my new car.

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I had half shares on a Morris marina with my mum. It was deeply uncool turning up to school in that thing, but it was way more cool than getting the bus with all the brats. ;) It didn't even have a stereo so I had to shove a ghetto blaster on the passenger seat. Then it got sold to a collector for more than it was bought for! After that I had a Jetta with a Golf engine, which proved a bit too expensive on the insurance. :( It was rancid when i got it and took a whole weekend to clean up all the dog hair and filth from the inside.

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My first car was a MK 1 Escort, a magic car I thought until it rained and the water came in through the floor. Found out the inner sills were rotten and bodged up with denso tape which is used to coat steel and stop it going rusty.

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