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Wedding murders in Dore Sheffield

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This world is upside down how can anybody think of letting him out,he dosen,t deserve to live never mind be released!.In cases such as his also child killers when proved beyond reasonable doubt I,m all for the death penalty and I,m sure the majority of British people are too!.Before the bleeding hearts lot start up how would you feel if it was your child or sibling murdered,these criminals are like mad dogs and you know what happens to them!.

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Instead of handing down a whole life tariff, what about giving out sentences like a minimum of 100 years. While the prisoner will end up spending the rest of their life behind bars, in theory they do have a realise date.


That's a great idea but I'm afraid that if they used that dodge you would see the European Court of Human Rights move faster than they've ever moved before to prevent it.

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This world is upside down how can anybody think of letting him out,he dosen,t deserve to live never mind be released!.In cases such as his also child killers when proved beyond reasonable doubt I,m all for the death penalty and I,m sure the majority of British people are too!.Before the bleeding hearts lot start up how would you feel if it was your child or sibling murdered,these criminals are like mad dogs and you know what happens to them!.


Hallelujah, hallelujah at last someone who agrees with me on the Death penalty, every time I mention it the bleeding hearts start to shout human rights rubbish.


They forgo those when they kill and rape people, they are subhuman so they don't come under the banner.

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I used to think hanging was the answer. But as I have grown older, I have mixed views. there have been cases where, there has evidence come to light that the person who was charged and found guilty, was, after a retrial, the case has been quashed. Some good to be given a postumous pardon. I do feel though that the UK system is a soft touch. Any jail term should be just that, not a third sliced off. Or even better, like the USA tariff, 100 years for certain crimes.

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RE: the Hutchinson story. Wonder if these Euro judges had their families raped and murdered, how they'd then feel about the human rights of the perpetrator?
How indeed. There is also the fact that some of these so-called judges have never sat in a court of law in their lives. Why should, for example, a professor of jurisprudence from Bucharest or Plovdiv university think he can lecture us on judicial matters?
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Instead of handing down a whole life tariff, what about giving out sentences like a minimum of 100 years. While the prisoner will end up spending the rest of their life behind bars, in theory they do have a realise date.


Ding dong, spot on!


This isn't about Hutchinson being released it's about the legality of whole life tariffs. One way around that would be to impose long sentences that it's unlikely the inmate will outlive, as you say.


---------- Post added 22-08-2013 at 17:55 ----------


The chances of him being released are minimal. This is about whether whole life sentences should be reviewed - as they used to be in this country after 25 years until 2003. There's nothing to stop the authorities reviewing his sentence and then saying "Nope - you're staying inside".


I'm not even sure that letting someone build up their hopes that they might get released only to have them dashed is not worse for the inmate that just being told you're never getting out.



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Like Timothy Evans: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timothy_Evans


But in the case of Hutchinson and others like him, they should certainly lock them up and throw away the key, and no interfering European judges should have any say in this.


Agreed. I do not believe in the death penalty. Too many innocent people have died & would die in the future if it was reintroduced, however, if you take a life I believe you should forfeit your own.

Should it turn out that someone was in fact innocent, then the State can pay compensation & the person can then try to make a new life. Unsatisfactory, but better than attempting to make amends to a corpse.


This man killed three innocent people without reason, provocation or necessity (self defence).


How anyone can make a judgement that such a man is no longer a danger to society is beyond me.


He should remain where he is until he dies.

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