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Research for new bar opening in Sheffield

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Originally posted by empea

itheres a market for a funky type bar to attract the students AND esp the ex-students. im in drinking limbo as i dont wanna be going out with townies but im too old for itsascreams and varsitys.

DULO is the funkiest bar you could ever wish for, and it serves superb guinness. No townies, try it tonight.


Originally posted by THCAyle

if only we lived in amsterdam

Well speaking as a regular visitor to that particular City, I would rather have the prices of sheffield, where I can get a Pint for half Amsterdam prices. And Our climate, it can get absolutely freezing over there in the winter. Although I love Dutch people, they are so friendly and chatty.

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I think the problem witht he Sheffield gay scene is that people are so used to going to Leeds, Manchester or even London that they would actually rather do that than go out in Sheffield. I very rarely go out on the gay scene but for me part of a night out on the scene is the fact that it's in a different city.


The only reason the Cossack kept going was that it wasn't just a gay pub, everyone of every persuasion drank there, it went down the proverbial when it was turned into a "proper" gay bar, with no pool table, naff music, neon lights and dire decoration, it was so over the top camp that most gay people stopped going there.

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People, I've read this thread from top to bottom and I think I may have the answer. All we need in Sheffield is a branch of Baa Bar. Cheap shooters (£1) and cocktails (approx £3), bottled beer and lager (£1-£2.50 a bottle), plus it caters for everyone, gay, straight and bi. Funky, trendy but doesn't exclude older folks, with the added bonus of a small dance floor. I truely believe Baa Bar would go down well in Sheffield, especially if Sheffield City Council would start giving out later licences for bars, so it could open til two. And before you ask, no I dont work for the chain, it's just my favourite bar in my adoptive city of Manchester. There they have two, one in Deansgate Locks, and the other just off Canal St.

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Originally posted by DaBouncer

You seem to be taking things too personal and the wrong way.

How is VIP ill fated when it's still going strong?

It just isn't catering to a total gay clientel anymore... it's now a more maintstream (for want of a better word) night.


Is VIP not gay then? when did that happen?:suspect:

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I have to agree with da bouncer on a lot of his comments,i too would like to see more gay friendly bars.Im straight myself,but have gay friends whom i enjoy a night out with.

On our nights out there has never been any trouble whatsoever in the 'gay' pubs but nights out 'up town' in the bars and clubs always usually end up with trouble,not involving us specifically but just trouble in general it dosent matter if im with 'gay' or 'straight' mates there always seems to be loads of trouble in town.I always seem to have a better night out in the gay pubs/clubs than i do on a regular trip to town.

After a week at work i like to relax and wind down on my nights out and enjoy a hassle free 'boogie' without being hassled by idiots who either want to fight you or take you home!All in all i would welcome a new'gay'Bar in Sheffield,which could be enjoyed by gay/straight alike.

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what does she sweep out the cellar when she hasn't got a gig? :hihi:


Originally posted by eric_the_man

Hi cheapNnasty


If you are looking for ideas for a new Pre Club venue,


How about hiring SHEFFIELD'S PREMIER TRANSSEXUAL DJ/KJ Martine Le'Clare to host Friday and Saturday nights for you. She has her very own brand of comedy and style that atracts punters from all over, even if only for the Outrageous dresses.


She was recently working in Cha Cha's Indian Bar/Restaurant and can be seen in the Black Bull, Ecclesfield most weekends.

Should you wish to book her, please post a reply on here and her manager will contact you.



Good luck with the new venue,


Eric The Man

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You need to do something that every other bar is not. Despite what many have said the music is very important to a night. Maybe a UK garage night or something else unique to bring the students and young uns in. Have separate nights with different music ie thursday funky house friday UKG. This way it will not be boring and you will attract variety of customers. Forget about all thse gay tranny etc nights as you will be neglecting a massive section of the community.

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