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School uniform rules gone mad!!

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I dont know how some people are going to keep up with this lot Im sure.


honnest, after posting on here and my son coming home and telling us he needs more trainers I nearly blew a gasket.

i can well believe it! luckily some people can afford to just go out & buy what they need or find the correct size etc but some cant afford it or have problems getting the correct size/style etc, its political correctness gone mad, do the headteachers get together heckling eachother with "our uniforms smarter than your uniform" or summat flamin divvys
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for how much the uniforms cost i think all schools/local education authories should provide funding towards the cost, its ridiculous. like some1 said earlier if you were at work your employer is obliged to supply you with uniform/overalls so why not schools?


bold - Why should they?


What have employers and workplace got to do anything?


I've had jobs where I've been required to wear a suit, or shirt and tie, I never got any funding for it. When I worked outside and was given free steel-toe shoes, I didn't find them particularly comfy, so I bought some of my own.


It seems the first day back at school they have dropped another one on us, now they are JUST telling us they require TWO of types of PE sports shoes, one indoor and one out !


Nice to let us know in advance :(


like we havent enough to buy.


Seems quite logical to me. When we were inside we wore 'pumps' or similar. I wouldn't wear them to play Rugby or Football outside. :confused:

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eyup ash, some families cant afford to shell out as in my case £150 for a school uniform, when i was at school the local education authority use to issue grants towards the cost of uniforms, redeemable at certain shops for those familys which were unemployed or on low incomes, so you cant blame the parents if they cant afford the correct items & you cant put all the blame on the schools. however the schools should take into consideration the familys on low incomes & respect that not all the correct items can be readily got or fit. between the schools & local education authority & possibly the government they should come up with a grant or something for the low income families if they want kids to wear compulsory uniforms

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We can all rely on this issue to arise in September each year.


As someone who went to school in the 50s/60s and was regularly put in detention and caned (yes, the wonderful days of corporal punishment) for not wearing the correct uniform, I am instinctively against rigid uniform policies.


However, the reality is that children do know what is required..... and its all part of the game to try to get away with something which is outside the uniform policy of the school.


You can find the DCSF advice at:



I would be very surprised if schools hadn't consulted before deciding their uniform policy.


As a governor of a school which last year consulted widely on its uniform policy - including ALL parents and ALL children - I can tell you that the pressure to adopt a more rigid and comprehensive code came from the overwhelming majority of parents, and they were very forceful in making their views known after the Governors initially suggested more flexibility.

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We can all rely on this issue to arise in September each year.


As someone who went to school in the 50s/60s and was regularly put in detention and caned (yes, the wonderful days of corporal punishment) for not wearing the correct uniform, I am instinctively against rigid uniform policies.


However, the reality is that children do know what is required..... and its all part of the game to try to get away with something which is outside the uniform policy of the school.


You can find the DCSF advice at:



I would be very surprised if schools hadn't consulted before deciding their uniform policy.


As a governor of a school which last year consulted widely on its uniform policy - including ALL parents and ALL children - I can tell you that the pressure to adopt a more rigid and comprehensive code came from the overwhelming majority of parents, and they were very forceful in making their views known after the Governors initially suggested more flexibility.

fair enough apart from not all kids avoid wearing the right uniform & to most its not a game but all this hassle for the sake of a small pocket or a crease on a pair of trousers sounds a bit extreme
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You can find the DCSF advice at:




That's a useful link Localman. It answers many of the questions in here.



eyup ash, some families cant afford to shell out as in my case £150 for a school uniform, when i was at school the local education authority use to issue grants towards the cost of uniforms, redeemable at certain shops for those familys which were unemployed or on low incomes, so you cant blame the parents if they cant afford the correct items & you cant put all the blame on the schools. however the schools should take into consideration the familys on low incomes & respect that not all the correct items can be readily got or fit. between the schools & local education authority & possibly the government they should come up with a grant or something for the low income families if they want kids to wear compulsory uniforms


Hiya mh. Providing that the goal posts aren't moved, then I still can't see a problem. Just to point out though, as I haven't commented on the OP. I do think that on the face of what I've read in the OP, it seems excessive.




Is that 150 pound for everything for the full year mh?


That doesn't seems too unreasonable. Without the rule of school uniform, I think that 'personal choice' of clothes would exceed that figure considerably, for many/most parents. Have you seen the price of designer crap?. That is part of the reason that uniforms should be used.


I think, the use of uniforms is used to instill a form of united identity, and of course, is a form of discipline. Not having uniforms, as I had just led to many divided identity groups, but most importantly negative ones, and unnecessary ones!. (eg. class division).

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However, the reality is that children do know what is required..... and its all part of the game to try to get away with something which is outside the uniform policy of the school.


I do not agree and its that sort of attitude thats half the problem, you say your a governer ? well I put it to you that you are one of the people that should make this lot work and not just set something in stone and set back and watch how it get orchestrated badly in the real world. If you know that problems arrise every year then look at the problems and find a solution not just sit back and admit failure. All too oftern people in possitions of trust sit back knowing where the week link is and do nothing, just sit on there arses and say "I told you so".


Parents sometimes have more than one child, arnt financialy capable of providing all, think they have kept to the code but have missed something, maybe dislexic or illiterate, maybe they are not given adiquat info on whats required or not given enough notice ect ect ect.


What a feable excuse to say "We told you so", I hope your not one of my kids governers.

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That's a useful link Localman. It answers many of the questions in here.





Hiya mh. Providing that the goal posts aren't moved, then I still can't see a problem. Just to point out though, as I haven't commented on the OP. I do think that on the face of what I've read in the OP, it seems excessive.




Is that 150 pound for everything for the full year mh?


That doesn't seems too unreasonable. Without the rule of school uniform, I think that 'personal choice' of clothes would exceed that figure considerably, for many/most parents. Have you seen the price of designer crap?. That is part of the reason that uniforms should be used.


I think, the use of uniforms is used to instill a form of united identity, and of course, is a form of discipline. Not having uniforms, as I had just led to many divided identity groups, but most importantly negative ones, and unnecessary ones!. (eg. class division).

im all for the uniform dont get me wrong, its how strict they are with trousers thats getting to a lot of people, theyre getting trousers its the style thats the problem. £150 isnt a problem to me but it is to quite a lot of people, this is where its unfair on those with a low income,thats why i think they should recieve some help, its not just those that are unemployed (be it there own fault or not) but the normal working class folk who work all week for very little reward,they cant always afford it never mind buying it to exact styles
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Parents sometimes have more than one child, arnt financialy capable of providing all, think they have kept to the code but have missed something, maybe dislexic or illiterate, maybe they are not given adiquat info on whats required or not given enough notice ect ect ect.


There are two arguments there. Aren't financially capable if providing for their children, and learning difficulties.


The first I'll just never agree with. If someone isn't financially capable of providing for their children, then they shouldn't have had more than they can afford. (I bet that'll be a popular comment :hihi:)


I'll justify that with mh's post about 150 pounds. I think that's a reasonable amount of money for a years clothing. That's about the cost of one pint of beer per week.


The second. If someone has a recognised condition of illiteracy, then providing they can still think for themselves, they can ask someone. That's what I do when I don't understand something. :)

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