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School uniform rules gone mad!!

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Why don't people realise that schools have rules. They need rules to operate successfully. In most cases they say exactly how they want pupils to be behaved, dressed, etc etc. It's often parents who 'choose' to push the boundaries who effectively confuse their kids. Let's face it, rules are rules. We don't like all of them but most of us follow them the best we can. Simple as that and if a school has set some high standards then you should be very grateful they are doing so.

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Just found out my 12 year old nephew has been sent home from school for wearing the wrong STYLE trousers. They are entirely black as requested but they dont have a pleat as requested.


His mum (who is at work) has contacted the school and apologised for what is a genuine mistake and been told he can go back into school for today but will be isolated from the other kids.


Now am I missing something here. this is a good kid who behaves himself and is doing well at school. who decides that it is ok to take him away from his work and his friends for something that is not his fault.


Even if it does contravine the uniform (albeit by accident) it still is not the childs fault. I'm so angry over this one. if I were his mum I think I'd be inclined to take this further


Ring up Look Leeds they will have field day with this storey and make laughing stock out of the school!

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Just spoken to my sister in law and they have actually sent him home along with quite a few more kids. the trousers are smart from the mans suit section and bought because the lad is so tall it is very difficult to get school trousers that fit him. his legs are like drainpipes and he's taller than his mum and dad. where can I find the number for the star newsdesk???


Moaning bugger.

What happens next, have the school in court, demos or boycott the place perhaps?

That or you could follow the rules laid down and show the kid you support the school in trying to give the kids some discipline.

All you are doing here is teaching him it's OK to break rules you don't happen to like or are a bit of an inconvenience.


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Why don't people realise that schools have rules. They need rules to operate successfully. In most cases they say exactly how they want pupils to be behaved, dressed, etc etc. It's often parents who 'choose' to push the boundaries who effectively confuse their kids. Let's face it, rules are rules. We don't like all of them but most of us follow them the best we can. Simple as that and if a school has set some high standards then you should be very grateful they are doing so.


Come on this is hardly a major infringement of rules regarding the school uniform.

I am sure the parent involved was really grateful for the child missing out on his education over such a trivial matter.

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I thought i add to this thread and not open a new one about uniform rules. But today i am so mad with yewlands today. It was said wile the snow is down the children can wear boots and not the uniform shoes, as what the girls have to wear are not for most weather let alone this weather. Now i looked out of the window and unless i am seeing things i still see a fair bit of snow down on ground, and like my daughter many kids do walk to school so boots are needed. Now i sent my daughter in her boots on Friday and Monday and no problem, i sent her in her boots today and i get a call from my daughter saying my daughter has been sent home for the day as she has her boots on and not school shoes, so i asked my daughter to ask as we only live a 25 min walk away from school, if she can come home and get her shoes so she can change for class, but she rang me back saying it was not aloud, so i asked wile she was at the gate to pass her mobile to a member of staff who was outside so i could speak to them, and the staff member says my daughter may as well stop of for the day but make sure she has her school shoes in her bag to change into for Wednesday, then i told them about when it once was raining and my daughter was sent home before as she has worn boots to school but took her school shoes to change, but she was sent home again because she had non school shoes in her bag even thou she changed before she enter the school. My daughter tells me a few kids have been turned back at the gate this morning. I am so mad about this as a full day of school is stupid just because of boots at least kids are at school and i did ask if it was ok for her to come home to get her school shoes to change into. I know a few Sheffield forum members children go to this school, just wondering if one of your children has gone to this school today in boots or other none school shoes because of the snow and also been sent home today.



EDIT. I finally got to speak to the head, and my daughter can stop in school today?. And i was told, yes wile the snow is down the children can wear other shoes. I also asked her is possible to make sure the rest of staff knows this to and not send kids away at the gate, as for the other children sent home this morning i bet they don't know this.


Picky I know but please try to learn the difference between as and has.

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Come on this is hardly a major infringement of rules regarding the school uniform.

I am sure the parent involved was really grateful for the child missing out on his education over such a trivial matter.


I appreciate you're point, but a line needs to be drawn. If a boundary is not clear then it leads to confusion. This case may seem petty but it is making a point at where the boundary is. What I am also saying (and I'm not saying this is such in this case) is that when parents try to push the boundaries (directly or in-directory) then their kids suffer. Too many people just don't seem to get that.

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Just as a comparison. A lad at a school I visited out here failed to get his hair cut after being told to by his teacher.

He turned up the next day and had his head shaved to regulation length in the school there and then.

You have a choice, Obey rules and run a school for the good of the kids or teach the kids they have rights but no responsibilities.

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Picky I know but please try to learn the difference between as and has.


OMG send me to the hanging man, get a grip will you, if you see my other posts over the years i have posted i don't make that mistake, this reason is because i was on my OH pc and not mine at the time and his keyboard keys don't work right when you hit them.

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