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School uniform rules gone mad!!

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my eldest is at the same school, it annoys me that boys are allowed pockets on there trousers so why not girls?:huh:she always wears smart black trousers but 1 or 2 pairs have very small pockets, if they ever send her home cos of the girls no pocket rule do i have a case for discrimination?lol


That is what shock me and i am telling no lies about this, but also two of her friends have the same trousers, i was told how cheap they was in Primark so we all got them at the same time for our daughters. I seen boys goin to school in trainers but are aloud to stop in school. I had to sew (by rules of the school not me) the pockets up for her to to wear them last year and i have done the same this year with her news ones to stop the hassle.

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The teaching unions would never stand for it....thats why. Perhaps its time the kids got organised and formed their own union or representative body.


Very well put, I can see the kids empowering themselves if schools arnt too careful, the only problem will be getting the court time to fit all the parents in.


having a dress code is sencible but some of these schools take it too far and like its been put if the teachers arnt willing to show example and dress to a code themselves then its only going to breed more contempt for the staff instead of less.


Having schools be the only providers of certain school garments is taking away parent choice and stopping them buy on the basis of what they can afford and cutting out the supermarket and retailers from offering cut price clothes.

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what i can`t see is that if the school states something in the uniform and the child turns up in something different and is sent home why are the moaning about it ,yes i think sending a pupil home for not having creases in them is extreme .The reason for the uniform is so that the kids are not competing on who has the best designer trainers or tops .if there is a dress code then they should abide by it end of .

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I understand why schools have uniforms and I agree they should be worn!! But seriously.. Doesn't really matter about a crease? I assume they were smart trousers surely that's all that counts!!


I know my Mum always had terrible trouble finding my 6ft something brother school trousers because he was so skinny and tall so I understand the OP's trouble in getting some!!


I would go to the star and no, I don't think it's going over the top. He came in wearing smart trousers and they've decided to send him home over that which mean's taking him out of education, What happens tomorrow when he's not got the right trousers? What happens if his parent's cant afford to buy a new pair right now ? is he meant to be kept off of school til they can?


It's just petty, That school should be ashamed of themselves, I understand having to wear a uniform but seriously a letter/phone call home would of been a better way to go rather than sending him home.



Here here! Its totally ridiculious and the school should be ashamed of themselves. I would defiantely take this further too.

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what i can`t see is that if the school states something in the uniform and the child turns up in something different and is sent home why are the moaning about it ,yes i think sending a pupil home for not having creases in them is extreme .The reason for the uniform is so that the kids are not competing on who has the best designer trainers or tops .if there is a dress code then they should abide by it end of .


Agreed. Whilst it seems extreme that a child is sent home because he does/ doesn't have a crease in his trousers - the uniform code should be enforced and parents should support the schools strict line.

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