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How would you react if someone flashed at you?

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I'd try to get my photograph in the local paper with a raw sausage on a fork.


I think that her reaction: "Mrs Woodage told the Post: “I am now on anti-depressants and also sleeping tablets – this has really affected me." definitely counts as an over-reaction!!!


If I'm ever flashed, I hope I'll have the presence of mind to repeat what someone I worked with said to her flasher, "Huh! I've seen bigger things crawling out of an apple".

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Unfortunately this happened to me a few years ago & depending how you are I guess we all deal with it differently. I felt quite shocked that anyone would do such a dispicable thing & disgusted at his I could not give a damn attitude walking around the place like it was the most normal thing to do!!. I am a cautious person & whenever I am out I am quite observent & when this happened my body went into shock mode partly because I had just checked the road that I was crossing too & it was empty & as soon as I step onto it this jerk is there with his trousers around his ankles & rubbing his prickless brain & walking towards me with a smug look on his face.


My brain was telling me to call the Police yet my body would not allow me to do it yet when I managed to get to work my brain disconnected with what had happened thirty mins ago & hard as it may sound I carried my working day as normal & it wasn't until I got home & I was in my own space & felt safe that the emotional part of it took effect on me.

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I have witnessed a few flashers in my years and to be honest, even though I have been initially shocked by the incidents, I am very rarely offended. So, have you been flashed at? If so, how did you react?


Serious debate please :)


you offering again! :hihi:


Serious debate only :|


I've seen your bum and it's luvverly :D


However, on a charabang to cleggy when I was a nipper on the train (with old fashioned coaches with compartments) a flasher ran the whole length of the platform, we howled with laughter our parents were horrified...

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I have witnessed a few flashers in my years and to be honest, even though I have been initially shocked by the incidents, I am very rarely offended. So, have you been flashed at? If so, how did you react?


Serious debate please :)


Well, people often flash me when they let me out of junctions. Do you feel offended when you cant quite get out of one?

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Maybe this thread should be referred back to the 'naked in the changing room' thread. I suspect that the more extreme reactions would correlate with the people who were upset at the site of naked people in the gym/pool changing room.


I've never been flashed, but I did see a girl fall out of her top whilst drunk in Windermere and she didn't notice for at least 5 seconds. I wasn't offended at all, her boyfriend did shout something though.

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