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Does anyone want a job?

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sorry im not one of those who pick on peoples threads but your statement does not make sense as you say your on maternity leave but your life is much better now you are both working? so which one is it, work or maternity? i think you are just wanting an argument! :loopy:


ever heard of maturnity pay you get the same or sometimes half of your wage whilst you are pregnant for 9 months sometimes more untill you return to your place of employment UNDERSTAND THAT! hence 2 wages my hubby and mine your the :loopy: one

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I think that the career jobless know all the tricks of getting all the money they can, certainly a lot lot more than you got, do you seriously think that the long term unemployed carnt afford more than chips and beans at any time, just because you dont know how to work the system dont class every body the same, i know alot of people who get more in benefits than the16K would give them


well that maybe but i also no people that dont and trust me its not a nice sight to see people struggle and lose everything they have ever worked for just because they was made redundant and have to fall back on to benefits

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Here, Here.


And an argument with no punctuation at that.


Please try and breathe between sentences, it will make your posts much easier to read by all.


well im very angry at the moment punctuation is the last thing on my mind but i will try just for you sir

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ever heard of maturnity pay you get the same or sometimes half of your wage whilst you are pregnant for 9 months sometimes more untill you return to your place of employment UNDERSTAND THAT! hence 2 wages my hubby and mine your the :loopy: one


Oh now i understand, just like me, Im better off now im working, well claiming sick pay :loopy: you said "thankfully our lives are fantastic now both of us work " which in my opinion mean you are both at work? not watching jeremy kyle between feeds. :hihi:

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Why thankyou.


Chill a bit hun, if you get this mad on one subject on SF, they'll have you run ragged in a couple of months.


Don't let people get to you, they enjoy it!


you should hear what my husband has to put up with :hihi: im sure he dreads coming home at night :hihi::hihi::hihi:

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most people work hard andy thats life you get out of life what you put in but the way some people go off on here its like every single person on benefits want it that way thats not true not everyone and they shouldnt be made to feel like a scruffy alcoholic druggie scrounger just because they have to ask for help whilst they find a job which may i add isnt as easy as some people make out especially if they have no qualifications like me thats all im saying


you seem to take everything so personally, now calm down and breath. you and your hubby are doing great be the sounds of it and only used benefits when you needed them, what we are getting at here is "career" claimants who need an incentive to get back to work

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