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Does anyone want a job?

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Oh now i understand, just like me, Im better off now im working, well claiming sick pay :loopy: you said "thankfully our lives are fantastic now both of us work " which in my opinion mean you are both at work? not watching jeremy kyle between feeds. :hihi:


trust me id rather be at work, i know lets switch places lets see how long you would last being 8 months preggers, men!

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you seem to take everything so personally, now calm down and breath. you and your hubby are doing great be the sounds of it and only used benefits when you needed them, what we are getting at here is "career" claimants who need an incentive to get back to work


i know, i should, it just gets to me thats all but ive got better things to do then sit on here all day, so im going to start cooking hubby his tea that will calm me down abit, then you can all get on with slagging each other off without me joining in, take care sir, have a great day!

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trust me id rather be at work, i know lets switch places lets see how long you would last being 8 months preggers, men!


So what's the difference between being on benefits and being on maternity leave? It's all about getting money and not doing anything to earn it at the end of the day.

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So what's the difference between being on benefits and being on maternity leave? It's all about getting money and not doing anything to earn it at the end of the day.


Forgive me if i'm wrong but dosnt the employer pay maternity rather than the state?

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So what's the difference between being on benefits and being on maternity leave? It's all about getting money and not doing anything to earn it at the end of the day.


quite a few diffrences really, 1, i worked at that place for 1 year 6 months and paid 200 pound a month in taxes, why shouldnt i get a bit back why shouldnt we all. 2, my employment pay my maturnity leave not the state, 3, not doing anything to earn it? you my friend would not be here today if it wasnt for the female population, i bet i work harder then you, by the way do you work?

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quite a few diffrences really, 1, i worked at that place for 1 year 6 months and paid 200 pound a month in taxes, why shouldnt i get a bit back why shouldnt we all. 2, my employment pay my maturnity leave not the state, ?


Because while you'll be spending the next few months sat on your backside watching daytime TV and doing the odd bit of breast feeding, your work colleagues will have to work harder and for longer in your absence.


not doing anything to earn it? you my friend would not be here today if it wasnt for the female population, i bet i work harder then you, by the way do you work?


Back when I was a kid, dads worked and mums stayed at home and brought up the kids. There was no maternity leave because if a woman got pregnant she gave up her career and devoted her life to being a mum. With so many millions unemployed now it would make more sense of families still did this. But that's another argument for another thread so please stop taking this one off topic!!!!

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If you can't live on the said wages you then drop your standard of living so you can live on the said wages,not many people have the jobs and wages they want so they live to what they have,there shouldn't be an alternative.


Hey not having a go, but minimum wage to live on. The average rent / morgage is approximately £80.00 - £100 weekly, Council Tax and shall I go on. If you down-graded to living on minimum wage, you'd have to eat fresh air, as the minumim wage would all be swollowed up just paying bills. Give it try and see if you'd go to work with a smile on your face or at all?


Has said not having a go, just pointing out a fact.



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Just wanted to say thanks for all the replies. Glad to hear there are people out there looking for jobs. This thread wasn't intended to debate about benefit claimants. My other half was made redundant only a few months ago and i know how hard it is to find another job. Anyway thanks again :)

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