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Royal family cost taxpayer 36m a year

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Originally posted by BoroughGal

A lot of what they are being paid is for civic duties - a job like the rest of us. I agree that maybe they shouldn't get so much for personal holidays etc, but I think they are aware of the public dislike of this now and are ceasing it. And I agree that I'd rather have a monachy that is steeped in tradition than be like America and have a president. I like that we have pomp and ceremony, and, like someone said earlier - I'd miss them if they weren't here.


And the tourists don't JUST come to see a member of the Royal Family, they come to see all things related - Buckingham Palace etc.


Did you know that attending Royal Ascot and other such events is counted as a ciivic duty? Doesn't sound too much like hard work to me. And generally they will cram as many of these duties into a day as possible so that they can then be on holiday for 5 months of the year.


And yes, tourists come to see Buck Palace etc - but that building would still be there if we didn't have the royal family. History wouldn't stop if we got rid of them - we'd just start a different kind of history. I personally would like an elected president, but not in the American style - someone who is a figurehead rather than a politician. Someone who is popular with the public - I think Stephen Fry would be fantastic at the job!

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Originally posted by Lickszz

Excellent value. Watching the Troop every year makes it all worthwhile. It was excellent this year. :)


Have you always been this much of a Royalist or did your estimation of The Royal Family only go up after Diana was bumped off :suspect:

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It would be interesting to see comparable figures for the cost of members of the government, cars with drivers provided for even the smallest journey, houses provided with the job at no cost to the individual, security, etc. And yes I know they were elected, but only a small proportion of the population voted for them, so the majority of us are paying for someone we didn't vote for just like the Royal Family. (And no this isn't an anti-Labour rant, the same applies whoever is in government).

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Originally posted by Abdul

£36.7m is nowt compared to the billions wasted elsewhere in the general day to day ruining of Dear old Blighty.




Originally posted by JoePritchard

I'm not a royalist by any stretch but I can't get wound up bout 36 million a year when you looks at the wastage in other places.


It's a shame that the same interest isn't taken with other sources of expense for the UK.






Originally posted by scottf

We would miss them if they went!!


Speak for yourself!


Originally posted by Greybeard


I wonder how much the continuing war in Iraq is costing us, people don't seem at all concerned about that anymore.




Originally posted by SteveWilson

We probably pay alot more than that if you exclude the unemployed, elderly, children, asylum seekers etc etc


I was thinking something very similar to this.


Always interesting how you can manufacture costs to support an argument :suspect:

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Originally posted by banesmabes

I personally would like an elected president, but not in the American style - someone who is a figurehead rather than a politician. Someone who is popular with the public - I think Stephen Fry would be fantastic at the job!


Or maybe a Sadam Hussein? He's not too busy at the minute and would probably jump at the chance of living in Buckingham Palace.


We'd just have to take the Queen for a short journey through a tunnel in Paris first.

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stop complaining - 61p per person per year is value for money - compare that to nearly 6000 quid which I have to pay in income tax and ni every year - what do we get for that - bugger all - i know which i would rather give



i'd much rather 61p goes to rf than the poxy govt depts and hs managers and all the other job worths in local councils that we pay the wages of


this govt along with all govt are crap. period. they will never do much for you - these days being a hard working family counts for nothing as you get penalised - people on benefits drive better cars than me and have bigger tellies

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Originally posted by Abdul

Have you always been this much of a Royalist or did your estimation of The Royal Family only go up after Diana was bumped off :suspect:


More conspiracy conjecture Abby? You tell me factually, how you know Diana was bumped off. Then you may become credible.....maybe. ;)

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Originally posted by Lickszz

More conspiracy conjecture Abby? You tell me factually, how you know Diana was bumped off. Then you may become credible.....maybe. ;)


I always liked to believe that the driver of the white car they never found was Prince Phillip :hihi:

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Originally posted by terrano

people on benefits drive better cars than me and have bigger tellies


There are many thousands of family's across this nation who fit that bill, and we pay far more than 61p per year for them,they produce nothing that benefits us or the nation as a whole, just more off spring to continue their lineage and the spiralling costs of their upkeep.

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